White Mage Arm “Suzaku’s Flame-kissed Cane”, a white mage’s cane in the style of a Den-Den Taiko with dancing Suzaku’s flames.
Artifact Cool and cute like a military uniform, Scholar AF4 “Arbatel” Attire (Lalafell female version)
Misc notes [Housing] Noriko-chan’s “Forest Atelier and Magical Chemical Storage” (FC House Private Room)
Pictomancer Arm Pictmancer’s first weapon (AF4 & AF5) – “Round Brush” with simple and cute wood grain
Artifact Sage’s AF5 equipment, Alphinaud’s Endwalker edition trailer costume “Didact” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.)
Samurai Arm A samurai Titania weapon that shines in three colors with rainbows, soap bubbles and butterflies dancing “The Fae’s Crown Katana”
Scholar Arm Stainable “magic book of butterflies” (Scholar’s Arm) “Fae Codex” This book "Fae Codex" is a different color from that wonderful book "Ethica" where butterflies dance 2020.07.20 Scholar Arm
Scholar Arm A fantasy and cute magic book in which butterflies dance (Scholar’s Arm) “Ethica” "Ethica" has an overwhelming presence among scholars' books.It is a somewhat mysterious book with iv 2020.07.19 Scholar Arm
Machinist Arm Machinist Anima Weapon (AW) “All Stages” Appearance Summary Here is a summary of all stages of Anima Weapon's Machinist's Arm.Stage 1: Animated FerdinandThe fir 2020.07.18 Machinist Arm
Warrior Arm Glowing natural taste warrior axe Eureka weapon “Farsha Anemos” A warrior's axe but a blunt weapon that doesn't look like an axe "Farsha Anemos."This is a weapon th 2020.07.17 Warrior Arm
Machinist Arm Image gun of the early Machinist / AF2 Weapon “Ferdinand” and anima weapon “Animated Ferdinand” "Ferdinand" that was equipped with AF2 in the image illustration when the mechanic job appeared.In a 2020.07.16 Machinist Arm
Mount Heavensward’s Extreme Barbarian “Bird” Complete Mount・Golden Phoenix “Firebird” "Bird" mount that you can get with the Extreme Barbarian clear reward of Heavensward. You can get "F 2020.07.15 Mount
Glamour [Glamour] A set of “Angelic Attire” equipment with distinctive wings and rings(Lalafell Ver.) "Angelic Attire", a chargeable item that can be purchased at FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Store. (This G 2020.07.14 Glamour
Machinist Arm Alexander-The Soul of the Creator (Savage) Machinist gun “Alexandrian Metal Cannon” Alexandrian Metal Cannon, a Machinist gun rarely obtained by completing "Alexander - The Soul of the 2020.07.13 Machinist Arm
Mount “Gilded Magitek Armor” (Commendation achievement reward) "Gilded Magitek Armor" that you can get by getting 500 player commendations.It is a different versio 2020.07.12 Mount
Machinist Arm A futuristic design Machinist’s AW 5th stage “Flame of the Dynast” A machine engineer gun "Flame of the Dynast" that can be obtained during the evolution of anima weap 2020.07.11 Machinist Arm
Dark Knight Arm Dark knight’s precious Japanese sword “Odenta Kai” Fashionable long sword like a kaleidoscope A precious Japanese sword that can be equipped even though it is a dark knight "Odenta Kai."And the 2020.07.10 Dark Knight Arm
Mount “Arrhidaeus” Apostle of God? Alexander-The Soul of the Creator (Savage) Mount Mount "Arrhidaeus" available in Alexander - The Soul of the Creator (Savage).If you take a closer lo 2020.07.09 Mount
Machinist Arm Classic Machinist gun with a cute pink parrot “Parrotbeak Revolver” "Parrotbeak Revolver" with a very cute and classical design.Even if you carry a gun, you can see the 2020.07.08 Machinist Arm
Mount Gold Saucer Mount · Legendary Ice Beast · Moon Wolf “Fenrir” The legendary phantom beast, "Fenrir" is familiar in the FF series.It's a big and cool phantom beast 2020.07.07 Mount
Machinist Arm Classic and simple fashionable Machinist gun “Wolf Musketoon” "Wolf Musketoon" is a Machinist gun with a very simple and stylish design.It looks like this when La 2020.07.06 Machinist Arm
Mount Two-seater billing mount “Whale”. The mystery of not having the “The Order of the Twin Adder” luggage. A two-seater mount "Whale" that can be purchased at the FINAL FANTASY XIV online store.The large bod 2020.07.06 Mount
Machinist Arm The Flame Dragon Appears · Anima Weapons Machinist Gun “Deathlocke” Machinist's Anima Weapon (AW) Phase VII "Deathlocke."☞ Machinist’s gun “Deathlocke Lux” which is the 2020.07.05 Machinist Arm
Paladin Arm “Augmented Scaevan Magitek Katzbalger & Shield” Paladin’s sword & shield with a cool opening and closing gimmick After all, Scaevan equipment with excellent design. This time I will introduce the sword and shield 2020.07.04 Paladin Arm
Warrior Arm “Alexandrian Metal Axe” Alexander-The Warrior Axe of The Soul of the Creator (Savage) "Alexandrian Metal Axe," a warrior ax available at "Alexander - The Soul of the Creator (Savage)."Th 2020.07.03 Warrior Arm
Machinist Arm Deep Dungeon Palace of the Dead, the shining Machinist gun “Padjali Revolver” This is a shining magical device used in the Deep Dungeon (DD) "Palace of the Dead."And this is a ma 2020.07.02 Machinist Arm
Mount “SDS Fenrir” Fast-moving FF7 Cloud bike This is a valuable bike mount "SDS Fenrir."Well, in any case it's a really cool bike.The "SDS" on th 2020.07.01 Mount
Machinist Arm Variable Machinist gun with wings and bubbles “Endless Expanse Handgonne” This is a variable Machinist gun "Endless Expanse Handgonne" with beautiful effects of bubbles and w 2020.06.30 Machinist Arm
Paladin Arm “Enhancing Sword & Ritter Shield” The Most Beautiful Paladin Sword & Shield “Rose Knight” This Paladin equipment has a really beautiful design. You can see that it is popular.Enhancing Sword 2020.06.29 Paladin Arm
Glamour [Glamour] A slightly luxurious magician (actually Weaver) “Augmented Boltkeep’s Dreadnought” This "Augmented Boltkeep's Dreadnought" is an Weaver's AF2.Originally, it's gorgeous because it's re 2020.06.28 Glamour
Machinist Arm Sparkling King Thordan’s Machinist Gun “Fire of the Round” This "Fire of the Round" is a version with the effects of "Heavensfire" available at The Minstrel's 2020.06.28 Machinist Arm
Dark Knight Arm “Seiryu’s Spine” Whip-like Dark Knight Sword · The Wreath of Snakes (Extreme) This FF14 world has no "whip" equipment, so this is a truly valuable design. And this is the Dark Kn 2020.06.27 Dark Knight Arm
Mount “Gobwalker” Is this Tachikoma? Alexander-The Burden of the Father (Savage) Mount This mount is often called "Tachikoma." The official name is "Gobwalker Gear."Cool or cute? Or rathe 2020.06.25 Mount
Machinist Arm “Genji Arquebus” Legendary matchlock gun with unique design This "Genji Arquebus" with the name "Genji", which is one of the strongest equipment in the FF world 2020.06.25 Machinist Arm
Mount Yellow Flame Dog God, The Jade Stoa (Extreme) Mount “Auspicious Kamuy” I really like this mount because I like dogs.☞ Auspicious KamuyThis dog has blue stripes on white. I 2020.06.24 Mount
Machinist Arm Variable magic gun “Augmented Scaevan Magitek Blunderbuss” All Scaeva weapons have variable gimmicks, and I think that people who like mecha have all their fav 2020.06.23 Machinist Arm
Glamour [Glamour] A set of scholar’s equipment longing for steampunk This time, I would like to introduce my favorite Glamours, a scholar who longed for steampunk.Coordi 2020.06.22 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] “Gemfiend’s Vest,” the fashionable outfit of Goldsmith AF4 It's for Goldsmith only, but this outfit is really cool!☞ Goldsmith Lv80AF equipment "Gemfiend's Ves 2020.06.21 Glamour
Machinist Arm A cute fairy accordion gun “Menacing Moggle Mog Gun” I think such a cute gun is very rare ☞ "Menacing Moggle Mog Gun."This is a version of "Menacing Mog 2020.06.21 Machinist Arm
Mount Odin’s horse mount “Sleipnir” & Odin Cosplay This is the mount of "Sleipnir," Odin's favorite horse.I tried riding with a set of Odin equipment t 2020.06.20 Mount
Warrior Arm Fairy King Titania “The King’s Axe” available at The Dancing Plague (Extreme) Warrior weapons have many rugged designs, but this is a really elegant and a little cute ax "The Kin 2020.06.20 Warrior Arm
Dark Knight Arm “Deathbringer” the representative sword of the Dark Knight – AF2 Weapon This "Deathbringer" is a traditional dark sword in the Final Fantasy series.In FF14, it will appear 2020.06.20 Dark Knight Arm
Machinist Arm “Ferdinand Awoken” The AF2 Machinist gun anima weapon with a beautiful glow Machinist gun Anima Weapon(AW)Second Stage "Ferdinand Awoken" that glows very beautifully.This is a 2020.06.19 Machinist Arm
Mount “Innocent Gwiber” White Dragon Mount-The Crown of the Immaculate (Extreme) Pure white and clean dragon mount "Innocent Gwiber"A mount that is rarely available on The Crown of 2020.06.19 Mount
Warrior Arm “Augmented Scaevan Magitek Axe” Opening gimmick is cool, variable Magitek Axe This "Augmented Scaevan Magitek Axe" is a warrior axe whose mechanical enthusiasts love the opening 2020.06.18 Warrior Arm
Machinist Arm Oriental type portable cannon “Shoryu Handgonne” The Machinist gun "Shoryu Handgonne" is easily available if you collect Wolf Marks in PVP.It has a s 2020.06.17 Machinist Arm
Glamour [Glamour] Fashionable military uniform for all jobs “Replica Sky Pirate’s Coat of Casting” "Replica Sky Pirate's Coat of Casting" This is my favorite clothes.This is a replica version of "Sky 2020.06.16 Glamour
Dark Knight Arm Dark knight Eureka Weapon (EW) Second Form “Caladbolg Anemos” wearing a dark aura. Dark Knight's Sword Eureka Weapon "Caladbolg Anemos"This is an evolution of AF3 "Antiquated Caladbol 2020.06.16 Dark Knight Arm
Machinist Arm Valuable Japanese style matchlock “Kunitomo Shin” I think this gun is very fashionable.Machinist gun "Kunitomo Shin"This gun has a very nice black and 2020.06.15 Machinist Arm
Mount “Kamuy Of The Nine Tails” STORMBLOOD’s Extreme content complete mount "Kamuy Of The Nine Tails," a magical beast that will become a friend after completing all types of " 2020.06.15 Mount
Machinist Arm Machinist AF3 Gun Evolved Eureka Weapon Third form “Outsider Anemos” Machinist AF3's "Antiquated Outsider" can be evolved with The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos.The so-c 2020.06.15 Machinist Arm
Mount Actually, a really cool propeller mecha mount “Magitek Sky Armor” "Magitek Sky Armor" This is a mount that can be obtained by collecting Wolf Marks of PVPMaybe The Ga 2020.06.15 Mount
Minion NieR:Automata collaboration “The Copied Factory” minion “Pod 054” As a big fan of NieR:Automata, this is a really nice minion✨It's a pod! Pod!This seems to be the nam 2020.06.14 Minion
Glamour [Glamour] “Lakeland Coat of Aiming” that inspired me to become a Machinist Eorzea has a lot of fashionable and nice equipment.One day, when I cleared the dungeon called "Holmi 2020.06.14 Glamour
Mount Stone statue lion? Shadowbringers mob hunt mount “Forgiven Reticence” Forgiven Reticence is available when you collect 3,200 Sack of Nuts from Shadowbringers Mob Hunt.A s 2020.06.14 Mount
Dark Knight Arm A fashionable dark knight sword that you can easily buy “Replica Allagan Guillotine” Dark Knight Sword "Replica Allagan Guillotine"This is just an Arag civilization design, but it's a d 2020.06.14 Dark Knight Arm
Machinist Arm Machinist’s gun “Deathlocke Lux” which is the final type of anima weapon The final type of Machinist gun in the Anima weapon(AW)story "Deathlocke Lux"☞ Best Friends ForeverT 2020.06.14 Machinist Arm
Mount “Magitek Predator” This is a robot mount that is perfect for mecha lovers I really like this mount.☞『Magitek Predator』It's a robot, but it's a bit old-fashioned and has a jun 2020.06.14 Mount
Paladin Arm Pickel Paladin Equipment “Dwarven Mythril Pikenstock & Shield” This is equipment for the Paladin, but it's actually my favorite ✨Dwarven Mythril PikenstockDwarven 2020.06.14 Paladin Arm
Minion Abominations? Cute plush minion “Wind-up Chimera” Don't you think this stuffed toy is cute? ? ?☞『Wind-up Chimera』But in the official commentary it is 2020.06.14 Minion
Mount Hybodus, a flying fish mount with a slightly scary face for ocean fishing Mount "Hybodus" that you can get if you get 10,000 points by ocean fishing.It's unusual to lie face 2020.06.14 Mount
Letter Is FINAL FANTASY XIV a MMORPG that can be played alone? Previously, there was an official advertisement that was released with a catch phrase "MMO FF14 that 2020.06.14 Letter
Machinist Arm The evolved The Navel gun “Tremor Culverin” I think it's a very old gun, but I like it surprisingly.Machinist gun "Tremor Culverin"Apparently, " 2020.06.14 Machinist Arm
Minion Anima weapon’s very cute minion “Anima” I will not tell you the details, but this minion is really cute ✨Minion『Anima』You can get it by adva 2020.06.14 Minion
Dark Knight Arm Thok ast Thok Dark Sword Evolution “Dead Hive Claymore” I really like this sword.A dark knight's sword "Dead Hive Claymore" where butterflies dance.It's blu 2020.06.14 Dark Knight Arm
Mount Armored dragon mount “Shadow Gwiber” available in The Minstrel’s Ballad: Hades’s Elegy I really like animals that wear armor.It looks cool and cute ✨"Shadow Gwiber" is a rare companion in 2020.06.14 Mount