This is the mount “Eurekan Petrel” that can be rarely obtained from the treasure chest of the Happy Rabbit of The Forbidden Land, Eureka / Hydrotos Expedition.

Is she a big ray? She’s a cute girl with round eyes.

Certainly a cute face.

You can rest assured that you are holding the reins firmly while riding. There is also a backrest and it is quite fashionable.

From the top, you can see that it has very beautiful wings.

It moves fluffy and makes you feel graceful.

Of all the species of petrels known to man, the Eurekan petrel is the only one which is not actually a petrel, but, in fact, an oversized carnivorous sea slug. Admittedly, unlike most sea slugs, this unique variety possesses the capacity for extended flight, hence the understandable misnomer.(From the official commentary)

It’s a sea slug … It’s a bit like a blue glaucus.

That means she looks softer than she thought …

The “Eurekan Petrel Horn” that can call her is available from The Forbidden Land, Eureka / Hydrotos Expedition’s Happiness Rabbit Treasure Chest, but it can also be purchased on the market board.
It’s unusually expensive though.

So, it was an introduction of the very cute mount “Eurekan Petrel.”
▼ Please check her movement in the video !