Paladin Arm Sword and Shield of King Arthur’s Legend: Paladin AF6 Weapon “Clarent and Galahad Shield”
Glamour [Glamour] A little noble and easy-to-use fashionable clothes “Woolen Bliaud” that can be worn for all jobs
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Anima Weapon 6th Stage / Fantastic Shining “Sharpened Sword & Shield of the Twin Thegns”
Artifact Paladin AF1 Equipment Different Colors / Holy Knight Vintage Equipment “Valor” Series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.)
Dancer Arm Dancer’s Resistance Weapon (RW) Third Form (Fourth Stage) Antique and Cute “Law’s Order Chakrams”
Artifact Endwalker’s AF5 Equipment Summary – Appearance Collection of All 19 Jobs (Lalafell Male Ver.)
Bard Arm A minstrel’s shining Bismarck bow with dancing bubbles and feathers “Endless Expanse Longbow”
Dark Knight Arm A beautiful longsword like a silver accessory, Ktisis Hyperboreia’s dark knight weapon “Ktiseos Greatsword”
Astrologian Arm Primitive, wild and cute wooden celestial globe / Astrologian’s weapon “Riversbreath Star Globe” This is a record of the Astrologian weapon "Riversbreath Star Globe" that can be obtained in Ihuykat 2025.03.22 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm Yukinko’s super cute snow globe Astrologian weapon “Figment of Winter” This is a record of the Astrologian weapon "Figment of Winter", which can be obtained from treasure 2024.12.02 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden’s Astrologian Weapon, Space Chocobo’s Celestial Globe? “Torquetum Eternal” This is a recording of the Torquetum Eternal, an astrologian weapon available in The Minstrel’s Ball 2024.11.16 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm Antique snake-patterned celestial globe, astrologer weapon “Neo Kingdom Planisphere” This is a record of the Astrologian's Weapon, "Neo Kingdom Planisphere."The center features a snake 2024.10.31 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm The Goddess’ Celestial Globe with Angelic Wings and the Astrologian’s AF6 Weapon “Metis” This is a record of the Astrologian's AF6 weapon, "Metis."At first glance, the design does not look 2024.10.26 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm The Astrologian’s weapon, the “Vanguard Astrometer,” is like a space fortress This is a record of the astrologian weapon "Vanguard Astrometer" available in Vanguard (97ID).It is 2024.10.05 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm The cute Astrologian’s celestial globe “Moonlit Moglobe” is just like a Moogle theater This is a record of the astrologian weapon, Moonlit Moglobe, which can be obtained in Thornmarch (Ha 2024.06.14 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm An Astrologian’s weapon like a silver rose accessory “Ktiseos Planisphere” This is a record of the astrologer's weapon "Ktiseos Planisphere" available in Ktisis Hyperboreia.Th 2024.04.05 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm “Crystarium Planisphere” is an Astrologian’s weapon that looks like an antique padlock or wall clock This is a record of the Astrologian's weapon "Augmented Crystarium Planisphere".There is something l 2024.03.29 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm Astrologian’s EW second form: Cute celestial globe with glowing ribbon “Pleiades Anemos” This is the record of the Astrologian's Eureka Weapon (EW) second form "Pleiades Anemos".If you just 2024.03.11 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm Sphere of Sharlayan’s guardian “Thaliak the Scholar” / Astrologian’s weapon “Globe of Thaliak” This is a record of the Astrologian's weapon "Globe of Thaliak".This design is reminiscent of the go 2024.03.01 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm Summary of all four stages of Astrologian’s Manderville Weapon (MW)! This is a summary record of all stages of Astrologian's Mandervil Weapon (MW).So without further ado 2024.02.04 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm Astrologian’s MW final form: A celestial globe like a space fortress “Mandervillous Torquetum” This is a record of the final form (fourth stage) of the Astrologian's Manderville weapons (MW), "Ma 2024.01.26 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm The lively Gold Saucer Astrologian’s weapon “Senor Sabotender’s Planisphere” This is a record of the Astrologian's weapon "Senor Sabotender's Planisphere".This is a cute celesti 2024.01.12 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm Red Burning Angry Owl / Astrologian’s Weapon “Owlliege Star Globe” This is a record of the Astrologian's weapon "Owlliege Star Globe".And when you hold it up, it glows 2023.12.28 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm Owlsight Star Globe, a woody Astrologian’s weapon with a cute owl parent and child This is a record of the Astrologian's weapon "Owlsight Star Globe".The owl peeking out from behind h 2023.12.15 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm “The Evening Star” is a mechanical Astrologian’s celestial globe that looks just like a gramophone. This is a record of the Astrologian's weapon "The Evening Star".The overall design is black with gol 2023.12.06 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm Rhalgr the Destroyer’s fiery Astrologian’s glowing weapon, “Sirius” This is a record of the shining astrologer's weapon "Sirius".This celestial globe is made of gold an 2023.12.01 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm Astrologian’s first celestial globe, black microcosm “Star Globe” This is a record of Astrologian's weapon "Star Globe".This "Star Globe" is the first weapon you rece 2023.11.19 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm Cute antique astronomical telescope! Astrologian’s Celestial Globe “Star Gazer” This is a record of the Astrologian's weapon (Comedy Weapon) "Augmented Star Gazer".It is a celestia 2023.10.20 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm Phoenix? Ohmu? Petals? Astrologian’s Celestial Globe “Moonward Torquetum” This is a record of the Astrologian's weapon, the Moonward Torquetum.I am not sure if it is a phoeni 2023.09.09 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm Astrologian’s MW 3rd Stage / A celestial globe that shines like a stage “Majestic Manderville Orrery” This is the record of the Astrologian's third form of Manderville weapons, the Majestic Manderville 2023.07.29 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm Toy robot-like Astrologian sphere “Augmented Lost Allagan Astrometer” This is a record of the Astrologian weapon "Augmented Lost Allagan Astrometer".The overall design is 2023.05.20 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm Astrologian’s Manderville Weapon Stage 2: Glowing Green Leaf Globe “Amazing Manderville Torquetum” This is the record of the Astrologian's Manderville Weapon (MW) Second Form, Amazing Manderville Tor 2023.03.31 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm Astrologian’s Manderville weapons (MW) Stage 1 “Manderville Torquetum” This is the record of the Astrologian's Manderville weapons First Form, Manderville Torquetum.It is 2022.12.04 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm Astrologian’s AF5 Weapon – A laurel globe bearing the name of the Moon Goddess “Diana” This is the record of the Astrologian's AF5 weapon (artifact weapon that can be equipped from Lv89) 2022.09.08 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm Astrologian’s celestial globe “Suzaku’s Flame-kissed Ephemeris” where the flames and feathers of Suzaku are scattered This is a record of the Astrologian's shining weapon, "Suzaku's Flame-kissed Ephemeris".When you car 2022.07.28 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm A glowing celestial sphere Astrologian’s weapon “Byakko’s Enspirited Ephemeris” where the ink of the brush is scattered This is a record of the Astrologian's celestial sphere "Byakko's Enspirited Ephemeris".At the stage 2022.07.13 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm Shining blue dragon scales and polka dots celestial sphere, Astrologian’s weapon “Seiryu’s Sanctified Ephemeris” This is a record of the Seiryu weapon "Seiryu's Sanctified Ephemeris" for Astrologian.The design is 2022.07.05 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm Astrologian’s celestial sphere “Augmented Scaevan Magitek Orrery” like the Taijitu This is a record of the Astrologian's weapon "Augmented Scaevan Magitek Orrery".When you hold it, it 2022.06.26 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm “Lift of the Vortex”, an Astrologian weapon of Garuda, a shining celestial sphere with flying wings This is a record of the Astrologian's glowing celestial sphere "Lift of the Vortex".It is cute that 2022.06.22 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm King Thordan’s holy glowing celestial sphere and Astrologian weapon “Astrometer of the Round” This is a record of the Astrologian's glowing weapon "Astrometer of the Round".If you just carry it 2022.06.19 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm Astrologian’s AF4 weapon, crescent anchor beauty celestial globe “Procyon” This is a record of the Astrologian's AF4 (Lv80) weapon "Procyon".It is a very beautiful celestial g 2021.12.04 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm Astrologian’s AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon First Form-Ribbon swings and cute celestial globe “Pleiades” This is a record of the Astrologian's AF3 weapon (Lv70 weapon) "Antiquated Pleiades" and the first f 2021.08.21 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm Astrologian’s classic and cute celestial globe, Baldam Hado “The Lone Beacon” that looks like an old clock This is a record of the Astrologian's celestial globe, "The Lone Beacon."An antique design celestial 2021.08.06 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm Astrologian’s Resistance Weapon (RW) First Form-Astronomical Distance Measuring Instrument? “Solstice” This is a record of the Astrologian's Resistance Weapon (RW) first form "Solstice".It is a very myst 2021.07.28 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm Astrologian’s AF2 Weapon & Anima Weapon (AW) First Stage Greek Mythological Celestial Globe “Atlas & Anima” This is a record of the Astrologian's AF2 (Lv60) weapon "Atlas" and the first stage of the Anima Wea 2021.07.14 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm The Cloud Deck (Extreme) “Astrologian” Weapon / Cursed Celestial Globe “Diamond Zeta Planisphere” This is the Astrologian's weapon "Diamond Zeta Planisphere" that can be obtained in The Cloud Deck ( 2021.05.11 Astrologian Arm
Astrologian Arm Astrologian’s slightly mechanical and cool celestial globe “Augmented Ironworks Magitek Orrery” This is a record of the Astrologian's celestial globe "Augmented Ironworks Magitek Orrery".When you 2021.04.29 Astrologian Arm