This is a record of the Astrologian’s weapon, the Moonward Torquetum.

Wow, I got a celestial globe that looks like a phoenix!

It’s kind of like an Ohmu.

What, Ohmu!? Nausicaa’s!? 💦

I am not sure if it is a phoenix or a king bug, but either way, the design seems to be based on some fantasy creature.

The top is indeed a bit phoenix wing-like?

A lovely cloth decoration hangs at the bottom.

The jewel in the center is very beautiful.

I wonder if the Ohmu-like element that Namingway mentions is because of the many eyes on the facial-like part at the end of the wings ……

Dyeing Patterns
The overall color changes slightly.
Original Color

Snow White

Honey Yellow

Turquoise Green

Note that the “Moonward Torquetum” can be obtained in exchange for Sack of Nuts at Old Sharlayan or Radz-at-Han.

But then I thought about it, many of the weapons in the Moonward series are plant-like, so I wonder if this is a plant motif ……

You’re right, maybe it’s not a phoenix wing, maybe it’s a petal.

▼ The movements involved were recorded on video!
So, these are the records of the Astrologian’s weapon “Moonward Torquetum“!

Well, in any case, this is a bit of a mystical celestial globe!