This is a record of the cat minion “Fat Cat“.

Look! A very cute kitten has arrived♪

Kitten… Yeah, that’s right, it’s definitely a kitten (?)

This is a cute little kitten.

She usually sits on the ground so you can’t see her feet.

However, when moving, it runs surprisingly easily!

Additionally, if you stay still, she will roll over. (lol)

So cute! > <

It’s big, but I guess it’s still a kitten.

Fufu, isn’t it? It looks like a baby♪

In addition, this “Fat Cat” is a minion that will join you in Fisher’s Retainer Venture and Grand Company’s Materiel Container 3.0. (It can be bought and sold, so it can also be obtained on the market board)

It’s rare to find a minion to join in “Fisher’s Retainer Venture.”

Fufu, I guess she loves fish!

I recorded the movement in a video!
So, this is a record of the cute kitten minion “Fat Cat“!

I’m happy that the number of cats is gradually increasing♪