This is a record of the Zero’s Order Death Scythe, a paid weapon that can be purchased from the FF14 online store.

Ta-da! I got Zero’s scythe♪

Wow, a scythe with a simple design.

It’s simple but somehow fascinating.

When you hold it, the blade opens.

Maybe it’s made of some special metal?

The blade is sharp and can cut anything cleanly.

The overall design looks like it is blazing with evil spirits.

The handle has a somewhat plant-like feel.

Because it’s simple, it can be easily matched with a variety of outfits.

And this looks a bit like Edda’s scythe, doesn’t it?
Fufu, that’s why you’re wearing the Edda costume.

It’s been a while since I last wore Edda’s costume, but it’s still so cute♪

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes our record of the paid weapon “Zero’s Order Death Scythe” that can be purchased from the FF14 online store!

See you soon!
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