This is a record of Minion “Toco Toquito“, a bird with a big beak.

Look! A very cute bird has joined us♪

Fufu, maybe a toucan?

It has a very large beak.

There are some red spots on the tail feathers.

The legs are bluish.

She sometimes talks to me.

She sits on my head, and even when I run she doesn’t move at all – she has amazing core strength!

The wings are surprisingly small, but they fly gracefully.

Their beaks are big but hollow so they’re not that heavy.

If you try to pet them, they’ll happily spin around in the air.

It’s called the “jewel of the forest”♪

By the way, this “Toco Toquito” minion can be obtained in Area C of Submarine Voyager, but it can also be bought and sold on the market board.

If such a cute bird joins my team, my adventures will be even more fun♪

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes the record of the toucan minion, “Toco Toquito“!

See you soon!
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