This is a record of the seagull minion “Gull“.

Look! A cute seagull has joined us♪

Oh, I thought it was a pigeon, but it turned out to be a seagull.

That’s right, this seagull joined us during ocean fishing!
This “Gull” can be obtained from the “Mine, Mine, Mine” achievement, which can be obtained by encountering a flock of seagulls three times during ocean fishing.

It’ll sit on your head.

If it’s not Lalafell, it should be able to ride on your shoulders.

This seagull has an amazing trunk that doesn’t fall even when it runs!

Sometimes she opens her mouth and talks.

It looks very graceful in flight.

It looks big when it spreads its wings.

Sometimes it feels good to ride the wind.

Looking at the webbed feet, it’s definitely a seagull.

Fufu, I like birds so this makes me happy♪

I recorded the movement in a video!
So, this is the record of the ocean fishing seagull minion “Gull“!

See You!