Glamour Cosplay of the energetic Lyse from Stormblood! “Scion Liberator’s Attire” (Lalafell Female Ver.)
Glamour [Glamour] A wind-blown palace knight wearing the Revelation tank body equipment “Cryptlurker’s Cuirass of Fending”
White Mage Arm “Suzaku’s Flame-kissed Cane”, a white mage’s cane in the style of a Den-Den Taiko with dancing Suzaku’s flames.
Reaper Arm A stylish scythe made of plants, Storm’s Crown (Extreme) Reaper weapon “Windswept Zaghnal”
Artifact Different colors of Bard’s AF1 equipment, pale pink musician “Bard” series (Lalafell Girl Ver.)
Artifact Cute “Pure White wizard” Black Mage AF2 “Goetia” Dyeing Arrangement (Lalafell Female Ver.) This is a record of the Black Mage AF2 Gear "Goetia" series.Black Mage AF2 “Goetia” Series【Head】Goet 2025.03.18 Artifact
Artifact Rhalgr brand fighter / Monk AF3 gear “Pacifist” (Lalafell female version) This is a record of the Monk's AF3 gear (Stormblood's level 70 job-exclusive equipment) "Pacifist" s 2025.03.14 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] A cute “Green Mage” outfit with a high-collared coat (Black Mage AF1 gear arrangement) This is a record of Noriko's favorite glamour for black mage.Coordinates this time【Head】Green Cattle 2025.03.10 Glamour
Artifact Purple high-collared stylish coat – Black Mage AF1 color variation “Sorcerer” (Lalafell female version) This is a record of the “Sorcerer” series, a different color of the Black Mage AF1 equipment.Black M 2025.03.09 Artifact
Artifact A cute black leather coat with a high collar. Black Mage AF1 Gear “Wizard” (Lalafell Female Ver.) This is a record of the Black Mage's AF1 gear (A Realm Reborn's Lv50 job-exclusive equipment) "Wizar 2025.03.08 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] Colorful and cute martial artist codecs, monk AF2 gear arrangement This is a record of Noriko's favorite Monk glamour.Coordinates this time【Head】Far Eastern Schoolgirl 2025.03.06 Glamour
Artifact Beautifully reflective purple armor, Dragoon AF6 gear “Heavensbound” (Lalafell Male Ver.) This is a record of the "Heavensbound" series of Dragoon AF6 equipment (DAWNTRAIL's Lv100 job-exclus 2025.03.04 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] Fresh green white girls band style outfit (Queen Eternal Ver.?) This is a record of Noriko's favorite glamours.This time's coordination【Head】Far Eastern Schoolgirl' 2025.03.01 Glamour
Artifact Cute Eastern theater troupe-style costume, Monk AF2 gear “Tantra” (Lalafell female version) This is a record of the "Tantra" series, Monk's AF2 gear (equipment exclusive to the level 60 job in 2025.02.25 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] Monk AF1 Gear Arrangement “Pure White Martial Artist” This is a record of Noriko's favorite Monk glamour.Coordinates this time【Head】Far Eastern Schoolgirl 2025.02.22 Glamour
Artifact Cute yellow martial artist costume, Monk AF1 equipment “Temple” (Lalafell female version) This is a record of the Monk's AF1 Gear (A Realm Reborn's level 50 job-exclusive equipment) "Temple" 2025.02.16 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] Casual engineer-style adventure outfit (G’raha costume arrangement) This is a record of a glamour arrangement of Norirow's favorite G'raha costume.Coordinates this time 2025.02.12 Glamour
Artifact Velvet’s mature Red Mage AF6 Gear “Roseblood” (Lalafell Female Ver.) This is a record of the "Roseblood" series of Red Mage AF6 Gear (DAWNTRAIL's Lv100 job-exclusive equ 2025.02.09 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] I tried cosplaying in Gundam colors! Part 2 (Krile’s costume arrangement version) This is a record of Glamour, Noriko's favorite, arranged with Krull's costumes.Coordinates this time 2025.02.05 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] I tried cosplaying in Gundam colors! Part 1 (G’raha costume arrangement version) This is a record of a glamour arrangement of Noriko's favorite G'raha costume.Coordinates this time【 2025.02.04 Glamour
Artifact Gorgeous Trois Mousquetaires costume / Red Mage AF5 Gear “Atrophy” (Lalafell Female Ver.) This is a record of the Red Mage AF5 Gear (Endwalker's level 90 job-exclusive gear) "Atrophy" series 2025.02.03 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] A white cashmere poncho for a warm and fluffy adventure in the middle of winter This is a record of Noriko's favorite outfits for midwinter adventures.Coordinates this time【Head】Fa 2025.01.31 Glamour
Artifact Gunbreaker AF6 gear “Bastion” (Lalafell Male Ver.) with a leather coat like a rider’s jacket This is a record of Gunbreaker's AF6 gear (DAWNTRAIL's Lv100 job-exclusive equipment) "Bastion" seri 2025.01.27 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] Yuweyawata Caster Gear Arrangement “Blue Researcher” This is a record of a glamour shot using the Yuweyawata Robe of Casting, a torso piece for casters t 2025.01.23 Glamour
Artifact The noble and cute Red Mage AF4 equipment “Estoqueur” reminiscent of FF11 (Lalafell female version) This is a record of the Red Mage AF4 Gear (Shadowbringers level 80 job-exclusive equipment) "Estoque 2025.01.21 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] “Former Engineer Knight” Tank Coordination This is a record of Norirow's favorite tank glamour.Coordinates this time【Head】Head Engineer's Goggl 2025.01.16 Glamour
Artifact Noble “The Three Musketeers” costume, Red Mage AF3 gear “Duelist” (Lalafell female version) This is a record of the Red Mage AF3 Gear (Stormblood level 70 job-exclusive gear) "Duelist" series. 2025.01.14 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] Red Mage AF1 Arrangement “A pure and tomboyish rapier-wielding adventurer” This is a record of Noriko's favorite Red Mage glamour.Coordinates this time【Head】Far Eastern School 2025.01.11 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Yuweyawata Maiming Gear Arrangement “Fighting Noble Lady” This is a record of a glamour shot of Maiming equipment that can be obtained at Yuweyawata Field Sta 2025.01.09 Glamour
Artifact The Holy Knight’s costume that has fallen into darkness – Dark Knight’s AF6 gear “Fallen” (Lalafell Male Ver.) This is a record of the Dark Knight's AF6 gear (DAWNTRAIL's Lv100 job-exclusive equipment) "Fallen" 2025.01.07 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] I tried cosplaying as a shrine maiden! (Far Eastern Schoolgirl’s Uniform arrangement) This is a record of Noriko trying out cosplay as a shrine maiden for the New Year.Coordinates this t 2025.01.02 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Yuweyawata Robe of Healing Arrangement “Rose Healer” This is a record of a glamour shoot using healer equipment available at Yuweyawata Field Station.Coo 2024.12.30 Glamour
Artifact Bliaud’s neat and cute Red Mage AF1 “Red” (Lalafell Female Ver.) This is a record of the Red Mage's initial equipment, the "Red" series.Red Mage starting equipment【H 2024.12.29 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] Felicitous costume arrangement “Christmas Traveler” outfit This is a record of Noriko's favorite easy glamour that can be worn for all jobs.Coordinates this ti 2024.12.22 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] G’raha Tia’s costume arrangement “Crimson Traveler” This is a record of Noriko's favorite glamour, an arrangement of G'raha Tia's Attire.Coordinates thi 2024.12.19 Glamour
Glamour “G’raha Tia’s Attire” where you can cosplay as G’raha (Lalafell female version) This is a record of the paid equipment "G'raha Tia's Attire" that can be purchased from the FF14 Onl 2024.12.17 Glamour
Artifact Bard AF6 Gear and Western Rock Band Outfit “Bihu” (Lalafell Female Ver.) This is a record of the Bard's AF6 Gear (equipment exclusive to DAWNTRAIL's Lv100 job) "Bihu" series 2024.12.16 Artifact
Artifact Sage’s AF6 gear – Future medical lab coat “Asklepian” (Lalafell Male Ver.) This is a record of the Sage's AF6 gear (equipment exclusive to DAWNTRAIL's Lv100 jobs) "Asklepian" 2024.12.12 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] Yuweyawata Coat of Fending Arrangement “Blue Knight” This is a record of Noriko's favorite tank glamour.Coordinates this time【Head】Far Eastern Schoolgirl 2024.12.11 Glamour
Artifact Viper’s AF6 Gear – DAWNTRAIL – Opening Costume “Viper” (Lalafell Male Ver.) This is a record of Viper's AF6 equipment (equipment exclusive to the Lv100 job in DAWNTRAIL) "Viper 2024.12.08 Artifact
Artifact Machinist AF6 Gear, Wilderness Vigilante Outfit “Forerider” (Lalafell Male Ver.) This is a record of the Machinist's AF6 gear (DAWNTRAIL level 100 job-exclusive equipment) "Foreride 2024.12.05 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] FFBE Mont costume arrangement “Royal Guard Scout” This is a record of a glamour shot using the King of Leonis Attire, a paid gear set from the WAR OF 2024.12.04 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] FFBE Machérie costume arrangement “Eternal Queen’s Knight” This is a record of a glamour arrangement of the WAR OF THE VISIONS FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS colla 2024.12.03 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Krile costume white x green dyed arrangement adventure outfit coordination This is a record of Noriko's favorite easy outfits that can be worn for all jobs.Coordinates this ti 2024.11.24 Glamour
Artifact Wild Horn Primitive Equipment Warrior AF6 “Agoge” (Lalafell Male Ver.) This is a record of the Warrior's AF6 Gear (DAWNTRAIL's Lv100 job-exclusive equipment) "Agoge" serie 2024.11.10 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] A casual jacket and jeans for a relaxed everyday look This is a record of Noriko's favorite, easy-going glamour that can be worn for all jobs.Coordinates 2024.11.04 Glamour
Artifact Bold mesh-design leather outfit, Reaper AF6 Gear “Assassin” (Lalafell Female Ver.) This is a record of Reaper's AF6 gear (DAWNTRAIL's Lv100 job-exclusive equipment) "Assassin" series. 2024.11.01 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] “Clean Clown in White Tuxedo” Crown Attire – Arranged Coordination This is a record of Norirow's favorite convenient glamours that can be worn for all jobs.Coordinates 2024.10.29 Glamour
Artifact A beautiful velvet witch costume / Astrologian AF6 Gear “Ephemerist” (Lalafell female version) This is a record of the Astrologian's AF6 Gear (DAWNTRAIL's Lv100 job-exclusive equipment) "Ephemeri 2024.10.25 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] “Halloween Mage” – Ranged Mage outfit This is a record of Noriko's favorite glamour for ranged mages.Coordinates this time【Head】Manalis Ha 2024.10.16 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] “White Rabbit Knight” – Halloween costume outfit This is a record of Noriko's favorite Halloween glamour.Coordinates this time【Head】Bunny Chief Crown 2024.10.15 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] “Chestnut Knight” A slightly steampunk autumn outfit This is a record of Noriko's favorite autumn glamour.Coordinates this time【Head】Far Eastern Schoolgi 2024.10.13 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] “Knight of Tuliyollal” – Quetzalli Mail of Fending Arrangement This is a record of Noriko's favorite tank glamour.This time's coordination【Head】Far Eastern Schoolg 2024.10.07 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] A vanilla yellow cashmere poncho for a warm autumn look? This is a record of Noriko's favorite warm outfits that can be worn for all jobs.Coordinates this ti 2024.10.04 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] “The Pure Mage of White Eden” – Edenmorn Caster Gear Arrangement This is a record of Noriko's favorite glamour for ranged mages.This time's coordination【Head】Far Eas 2024.09.29 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] “White-robed Sengoku Warlord” Samurai AF6 Gear Arrangement This is a record of Noriko's favorite Samurai glamour.This time's coordination【Head】Far Eastern Scho 2024.09.26 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Cyberpunk Traveler – Cold Weather Coordination This is a record of Norirow's favorite glamours that are suitable for all jobs.Coordinates this time 2024.09.17 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] A fragile-smiling Sphene-style cosplay (Lalafell female version) This is a record of Noriko's favorite glamour that can be worn for all jobs.Coordinates this time【He 2024.09.14 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] “Eden’s Healer” – Edenmorn Healer Gear Arrangement This is a record of Noriko's favorite healer glamour.This time's coordination【Head】Far Eastern Schoo 2024.09.10 Glamour
Artifact A casual and cute prayer costume, White Mage AF6 Gear “Piety” (Lalafell Female Ver.) This is a record of the White Mage's AF6 equipment (DAWNTRAIL's Lv100 job-exclusive equipment) "Piet 2024.09.07 Artifact
Glamour Cosplay of the energetic Lyse from Stormblood! “Scion Liberator’s Attire” (Lalafell Female Ver.) This is a record of the paid equipment "Scion Liberator's Attire" that can be purchased from the FF1 2024.09.05 Glamour
Artifact AF6 equipment of a Samurai like Dokugan Warlord “Sakonji” (Lalafell Female Ver.) This is a record of the Samurai AF6 Gear (equipment exclusive to the Lv100 job in the DAWNTRAIL edit 2024.09.01 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] Tuliyollal’s Dancer♪ (Dancer AF6 Arranged Outfit) This is a record of Noriko's favorite dancer glamour.This time's coordination【Head】Horos Headdress【B 2024.08.26 Glamour
Artifact The sheer fabric is superb and cute, and the dancer AF6 gear “Horos” (Lalafell female version) This is a record of the Dancer's AF6 gear (equipment exclusive to DAWNTRAIL's Lv100 job) "Horos" ser 2024.08.14 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] Cute Marine uniform outfit (Scholar AF6 gear arrangement) This is a record of Noriko's favorite scholar glamour.This time's coordination【Head】Pedagogy Mortarb 2024.08.10 Glamour