This is a record of Noriko’s favorite Monk glamour.

Ta-da! I made a slight arrangement of the Monk’s AF2 gear♪

Fufu, what a cute, colorful martial artist.

Coordinates this time
- 【Head】Far Eastern Schoolgirl’s Hair Ribbon
- 【Body】Tantra Chestwrap
- 【Hands】Bloodhempen Armguards of Striking
- 【Legs】Tantra Galligaskins
- 【Feet】Tantra Gaiters
- 【Ear】Rainbow Carnation Earring
- 【Weapon】Rising Suns
Here, the hands are stained with Dalamud Red.

I really like this Monk AF2 gear♪

The default colors are really cute, with a white base and red and green that looks great.

The hand equipment has been changed to asymmetrical sleeves.

It’s very colorful with yellow, light blue, pink and purple!

The weapon is the same as in AF2, but the contrast between the cute costume and this deadly weapon is a nice balance!

This fighting weapon is great! I think I’ll try to light it up next time♪

I didn’t imagine Noriko-chan to be much of a martial artist, so I’m surprised you’re a monk.

Hehe, because with such a cute costume, I have no choice but to do it♪

The motive was glamour…

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes Noriko’s record of her favorite Monk glamour, a “colourful and cute martial artist outfit”!

But when I actually try it, I find that jobs that require physical movement like this are a lot of fun♪