This is a record of the Paladin’s Zodiac Weapon 7th Form Sword “Excalibur” & Shield “Aegis Shield“.

Ooh, so, it’s the legendary Excalibur!

It’s a familiar sword and shield name attached to the strongest class weapon in the FF series.

A high-class sword and shield with very luxurious decorations.

“Aegis Shield” has a very beautiful design with protruding decorations on both sides.

The gold decoration on the white background and the red jewel in the center give it an even more luxurious feel.

There is a groove on the bottom that looks like a keyhole.

It’s a shield that’s reasonably thick and also has practicality.

And the legendary sword “Excalibur” is also designed with gorgeous decorations!

This is too beautiful a sword…

I think it looks like an antique figurine.

It’s the strongest sword! 💦

There is a solid feeling with a sword that has a moderate thickness.

In addition, the light blue crystal at the tip of the handle is always shining softly, which is very nice!

By the way, the origin of the name is probably King Arthur’s sword “Excalibur” and Athana’s shield “Shield of Aegis” that appear in mythology.

Oh, maybe it’s because it’s the shield of the goddess Athana that it’s so beautiful!

Dyed pattern
The white part is dyed.
Original Color

Soot Black

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

Turquoise Green

Gobbiebag Brown

I never dreamed that I would have the legendary Excalibur or the Aegis Shield…it’s kind of moving.

Zodiac Weapons are hard to evolve, but it was worth it so far.

▼ I recorded a video of the movement!
So, that’s it for the record of Paladin’s Zodiac Weapon 7th Stage “Excalibur” & “Aegis Shield“!

And next is finally the final form!