This is the record of the sword “Excalibur Zeta” & shield “Aegis Shield Zeta” which is the final form of Paladin’s Zodiac Weapon (ZW) 8th stage.

Oooooh, the strongest sword shines!

Paladin’s Zodiac Weapon is finally complete.

When you are carrying it, it is exactly the same as the previous stage.

However, this will light up when you set it up!

very! It’s dazzling, but it’s also an elegant way to shine!

The lighting has been pretty intense so far, so the effect looks a little subdued.

The top of the shield is very beautiful with the light extending in a V shape.

It’s a pretty bright light overall.

It seems to have a great defense buff!

And the sword lights up as well. In addition to the two rings of light, a line of light revolves around the sword.

It’s a beautiful effect.

The shining light blue crystals on the tip of the handle are a little accent and cute.

Two rings of light revolve around the handguard.

Round and round……

The sword and shield aren’t that big, so it looks even more elegant.

Dyed pattern
It’s a fairly bright effect, but you can see how well it’s dyed.
Original Color

Soot Black

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

Turquoise Green

I’m really happy that the legendary Excalibur shines in such a wonderful way.

Zodiac Weapon was hard to evolve, but this was worth the effort.

▼ I recorded the glowing effect in the video!
So, that’s it for the record of Paladin’s Zodiac weapon final form “Excalibur Zeta” & “Aegis Shield Zeta“!

This is the ultimate treasure!