This is a summary record of how the Zodiac Weapon (ZW) evolved.

Zodiac weapons are still hard to make💦
But they’re all cool, so they might be the most rewarding weapons to make.

The process of making Zodiac Weapons is quite complicated. The first one can be completed by following the quests, but there is no guidance for the second one onwards, so it is easy to get lost.
Here is the prerequisite quest.
- The Ultimate Weapon
- Level 50 job quest
- The Weaponsmith of Legend (Accepted from Nedrick Ironheart near The Waking Sands in Western Thanalan)
So, here’s how to make a Zodiac Weapon!
Stage 1: Relic
- Quest: A Relic Reborn
- Location: North Shroud Hyrstmill / Gerolt
- Required Materials: Radz-at-Han Quenching Oil (15 Poetics)
The first stage is relatively easy to complete, although you will have to follow Gerolt’s instructions to obtain several dungeons and items.

Don’t worry, there will always be guidance here!
Stage 2: Zenith
- Required Materials: 3 Thavnairian Mist (60 Poetics)
- Location: North Shroud Hyrstmill / Forge
Put a Relic Weapon and 3 Thavnair Elixirs into the Forge near Gerolt.

I’m happy to be able to get a glowing weapon so easily♪
Stage 3: Atma
- Quest: Up in Arms
- Location: North Shroud Hyrstmill / Gerolt
You can obtain Atma by clearing F.A.T.E.s in various locations while equipping Zenith weapons.
In the case of the second and subsequent ones, there is no guidance. But if you equip a Zenith weapon and face these F.A.T.E.s, you’ll be fine!
Location of F.A.T.E. | Available Atma |
middle La Noscea | Atma of the Ram |
lower La Noscea | Atma of the Fish |
western La Noscea | Atma of the Crab |
upper La Noscea | Atma of the Water-bearer |
outer La Noscea | Atma of the Lion |
the Central Shroud | Atma of the Maiden |
the North Shroud | Atma of the Archer |
the East Shroud | Atma of the Goat |
central Thanalan | Atma of the Scales |
western Thanalan | Atma of the Twins |
eastern Thanalan | Atma of the Bull |
southern Thanalan | Atma of the Scorpion |

It will drop with a high probability, so let’s go around steadily!
Stage 4: Animus
- Quest: Trials of the Braves
- Location: North Shroud Hyrstmill / Jalzahn ➡ Mor Dhona Revenant’s Toll / G’jusana
- Required Items: Poetics 900
And finally here is the “Trials of the Braves” phase of the biggest climax.
Exchange “Trials of the Braves” from Revenant’s Toll’s G’jusana in Poetics, and clear each of the 9 books.
In the case of the second and subsequent ones, just exchange the “Trials of the Braves” from G’jusana and proceed!
It is necessary to do monster subjugation, dungeons, F.A.T.E., leves, etc.
Each one is not difficult, but there are a lot of them, so let’s do it step by step.

It takes about an hour and a half for one book.
While waiting for the F.A.T.E., it might be more efficient if you do your ID.

Stage 5: Novus
- Quest: Celestial Radiance ➡ Star Light, Star Bright
- Location: North Shroud Hyrstmill / Jalzahn ➡ Central Thanalan / Hubairtin(X:23.5 Y:13.7)
- Required Items: 3 Superior Enchanted Ink (75 Poetics) + 15 Mysterious Map (1,125 Poetics)
Just follow the quest and you’ll be fine. Since there is no guidance after the second one, go directly to “Central Thanalan / Hubairtin” and exchange the “Superior Enchanted Ink” to proceed.
You will need 75 Alexandrite here.
“Alexandrite” can be exchanged at Ms. Auriana in Revenant’s Toll, where you can get 5 for each time you clear the “Mysterious Map“, so you need to map 15 times in total.
(You can also get it by clearing the quest “Morbid Motivation” that can be ordered from Brangwine in Revenant’s Toll, but it’s not very efficient because it’s only once a day.)

It’s nice because it doesn’t take that long to clear the map.
After that, use the materia on the Superior Enchanted Ink 75 times.
Let’s use Materia → Materia II → Materia III → Materia IV in order. You need a certain number, but let’s keep doing it!
If you fail, you’ll lose Materia, but don’t worry, Alexandrite won’t decrease.

Stage 6: Nexus
- Quest: Mmmmmm, Soulglazed Relics
- Location: North Shroud Hyrstmill / Jalzahn
The procedure is as follows.
- Jalzahn will prepare you to modify the Novus weapon. (Don’t forget that there is no guide after the second one. *If you lost the Zodiac Glass, get it from Mr. Drake by Gerolt’s side.)
- Equip the Novus weapon and go around battles such as A Realm Reborn ID to “Collect Shine”.
At this point, you’ll have to go around in a so-called “Collect Shine”, but even considering the bonus time, it’s overwhelming…
“Thornmarch (Extreme)“
is fast and recommended! Let’s keep going around!

Thornmarch (Extreme) is fast because even a paladin can clear it in about 30 seconds!
Stage 7: Zodiac Weapon
- Quest: Wherefore Art Thou, Zodiac
- Location: North Shroud Hyrstmill / Jalzahn
- Required Items:
- Bombard Core×4(Company Seals × 80,000)
- Sacred Spring Water×4(Poetics × 800)
Here, Mr. Jalzahn asks for 4 items, but you can get them by clearing the following 4 quests.
- A Treasured Mother Brangwine(Revenant’s Toll)
- Labor of Love Guiding Star(Revenant’s Toll)
- A Ponze of Flesh Papana(Revenant’s Toll)
- Method in His Malice Adkin(Central Thanalan X:23.6 Y:13.7)
Details of each quest are below.

You can make the items you need, such as the Eel Pie, but it might be quicker to buy them on the market board…
A Treasured Mother
- Bombard Core(Company Seals 20,000)
Sacred Spring Water(Poetics 200)
Brass Kettle(Tool Supplier & Mender / North Shroud 100,000 gil) - Amdapor Keep
Pharos Sirius
The Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard)
The Stone Vigil (Hard) - Tailor-made Eel Pie HQ
Perfect Cloth HQ
Labor of Love
- Allagan Resin(Merchant & Mender / Southern Thanalan 100,000 gil)
- The Aurum Vale
Haukke Manor (Hard)
The Lost City of Amdapor
Sastasha (Hard) - Perfect Mortar HQ
Perfect Pestle HQ - Bombard Core(Company Seals 20,000)
Sacred Spring Water(Poetics 200)
A Ponze of Flesh
- Bombard Core(Company Seals 20,000)
Sacred Spring Water(Poetics 200)
Bronze Lake Crystal(Junkmonger / Upper La Noscea 100,000 gil) - Dzemael Darkhold
Brayflox’s Longstop (Hard)
Halatali (Hard)
Snowcloak - Furnace Ring HQ
Perfect Firewood HQ
Method in His Malice
- The Wanderer’s Palace
Copperbell Mines (Hard)
Hullbreaker Isle
The Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard) - Perfect Vellum HQ
Perfect Pounce HQ - Bombard Core(Company Seals 20,000)
Sacred Spring Water(Poetics 200)
Furite Sand(Merchant & Mender / Coerthas Central Highlands 100,000 gil)

You’ll need a lot of gil here.
Final Stage: Zeta
- Quest: Rise and Shine
- Location 1: North Shroud Hyrstmill / Jalzahn
- Location 2: Western La Noscea / Remon
For the second and subsequent ones, talk directly to Mr. Remon in Western La Noscea.
Let’s get Mahatma from Mr. Remon and go to “Collect Shine” again.
In addition, 50 Poetics x 12 (total of 600) is required to obtain Mahatma.
And because it’s Collect Shine…
“Thornmarch (Extreme)“
Thanks to this, it will be over in no time!
The Zodiac Weapon is now complete!
Once the Trials of the Braves are over, the rest might be pretty smooth

Yeah, and ZW is hard to get, but it’s cool, so I’m glad it’s worth it!
So, that was the summary of how to make a Zodiac Weapon!