* May your Eorzean days be filled with happiness ! :) *

[Useful macro] Organize belongings (bag) all at once with the “Itemsort Macro”

I found a wonderful treasure today.
I found a wonderful treasure today.



This is a recording of a useful macro that will “sort” your inventory and armory chest all at once.


I’ll make a note of it so I don’t forget to use it all the time.

If you set the following macro, you can conveniently organize your bag (inventory) and armory chest all at once.

Luggage sorting macro

/isort condition armourychest id asc
/isort condition armourychest itemlevel des
/isort condition armourychest level des
/isort condition armourychest category asc
/isort execute armourychest
/isort condition inventory stack des
/isort condition inventory hq des
/isort condition inventory id asc
/isort condition inventory itemlevel des
/isort condition inventory level des
/isort condition inventory category asc
/isort execute inventory

A quick guide to macros

Here’s how it works:

  • “condition” is the condition specification, and “execute” is the execution instruction.
  • “armourychest” is the armory chest, “inventory” is the inventory
  • “id” is the item ID, “itemlevel” is the item level, “level” is the equipment level, “category” is the category
  • “asc” is ascending order, “des” is descending order

If you want to do something else, there are other ways to organize your saddlebag, rightsaddlebag, and other items all at once, so for details, please refer to this official page.

Eorzea Database: /itemsort | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone
The Eorzea Database /itemsort page.

So that’s it for this handy macro for organizing your luggage all at once!


If I don’t write it down, I’ll forget💦

Related records

Written by Norirow Note

This is a memory of the world of FINAL FANTASY 14.
I will write it down with gratitude for this world.
For someone someday. For some signpost. With prayer.
May your adventure be filled with happiness.


Misc notes
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Thank you for reading. See you !