* May your Eorzean days be filled with happiness ! :) *

How to make Eureka Weapon (EW), procedure and necessary materials summary

I found a wonderful treasure today.
I found a wonderful treasure today.



This is a summary record of how the Eureka Weapon (EW) evolves.


Eureka Weapon might have been the simplest weapon enhancement content ever!

You don’t have to get lost because everything will be completed in “The Forbidden Land Eureka”.


It may take some time, but it’s very easy to understand because you can proceed with all the processes in “The Forbidden Land Eureka”.

Basically, you will proceed by collecting ○○ crystals that you can get by defeating NM (notorious monsters = F.A.T.E.) in various parts of Eureka. However, you need a certain number of people to defeat NM quickly, so it is recommended to aim for when there are many people in Eureka!

When you find an NM, shout it out and join someone else’s party, or add the shouting person to your party and defeat them. (It is OK to disband after defeating)

Now let’s get started on how to make the Eureka Weapon!

First Form & Second Form: Anemos

The first and second forms will proceed in the forbidden land Eureka “Anemos”.

The first form of the Eureka Weapon has the same design as the AF3 weapon. Let’s take the material AF3 weapon (“Antiquated ○○” that you can get when you clear the job quest of Lv70).

In Anemos, while advancing the story of Eureka, you will defeat NM and collect the following items.

Evolving StageRequired itemForm (Name)
1st stepProtean Crystal × 100First Form
2nd stepProtean Crystal × 400
3rd stepProtean Crystal × 800
4th stepPazuzu’s Feather × 3Second Form (Anemos)

You can get Protean Crystal by asking Gerolt to disassemble the Anemos Crystal that you can get by subjugating NM.

Every time you collect the above items, talk to Mr. Gerolt at the base and ask him to strengthen it.

Pazuzu’s Feather can be obtained by defeating NM Pazuzu or by exchanging 300 Protean Crystals. (at the Expedition Birdwatcher at his base)


The glowing weapons at this stage are also very beautiful, so it’s really worth doing so far!

Third Form: Pagos

The continuation will proceed with the Forbidden Land Eureka “Pagos”.

Again, the process is basically the same, defeating NMs and obtaining the following items.

Evolving StageRequired itemForm (Name)
5th stepFrosted Protean Crystal × 5(Pagos)
6th stepFrosted Protean Crystal × 10
Pagos Crystal × 500
7th stepFrosted Protean Crystal × 16
Louhi’s Ice × 5
Third Form (Elemental)

What’s different from Anemos is the method of obtaining the Frosted Protean Crystal.

Frosted Protean Crystal can be obtained by collecting Vitiated Aether Crystal Yields and converting them, but it’s a bit confusing where to convert them.

After defeating the NM and filling up the above gauge, go to the “Test Cavern 1-P” on the map below. You can’t go here from the bottom of the cliff, so you need to go from the “Geothermal Studies”.

And to get here you have to jump off a cliff. It’s a little hard to understand, but jump off from the yellow point on the map above.

Let’s gently jump down like this. If you get too excited and jump further down, you will have to start over from the “Geothermal Studies” again.

After that, once you have all the items, talk to Mr. Gerolt at the base and ask him to strengthen it.

You can also get Louhi’s Ice by defeating NM Louhi, but you can also get one in exchange for 50 Pagos Crystal. (Expedition Birdwatcher at the base)


For now, it will become a weapon that does not glow.

Fourth Form: Pyros

Next, we will proceed with the Forbidden Land Eureka “Pyros”.

You can get the following items by defeating NMs in the same way as before.

Evolving StageRequired itemForm (Name)
8th stepAdd action with Logogram × 10 types
Pyros Crystal × 150
9th stepAdd action with Logogram × 20 types
Pyros Crystal × 200
10th stepAdd action with Logogram × 30 types
Pyros Crystal × 300
Penthesilea’s Flame × 5
Fourth Form (Pyros)

However, here the element “Add action with Logogram” is added.

Put “Logogram”, which can be obtained by defeating NMs, into the device at the base to release “Action”. “Logogram” can also be purchased on the market board, so I think it’s okay to buy more and more. (Add action with Logogram is not necessary for the second and subsequent ones.)

Penthesilea’s Flame can be obtained by defeating NM Penthesilea, but you can also obtain one by exchanging 50 Pyros Crystal. (Expedition Birdwatcher at the base)

After that, let’s talk to Mr. Gerolt at the base and have him strengthen it.


It will become a weapon that shines here again!

Fifth and Final Form: Hydatos

And finally, you will proceed to the Forbidden Land Eureka “Hydatos”.

It’s relatively simpler than it used to be. Collect the following items by defeating NMs.

Evolving StageRequired itemForm (Name)
11th stepHydatos Crystal × 50(Hydatos)
12th stepHydatos Crystal × 100
13th stepHydatos Crystal × 100Fifth Form
14th stepHydatos Crystal × 100
Crystalline Scale × 5
Final Form (Eureka)

Crystalline Scale are obtained by defeating NM Provenance Watcher. You can get up to 3 in one subjugation, so you need to defeat at least 2 times.

Once you have all the items, talk to Mr. Gerolt at the base and ask him to strengthen it!

Eureka Weapon is now complete!


Eureka is a place full of nature and thrilling, and I really like it, so it’s fun to progress smoothly♪

It’s battle content that feels like an MMO, and people who like this sort of thing will love it.


So, that was the summary record of how to make Eureka Weapon!


Related record

Summary of how to proceed with other weapon enhancement content

Thank you for reading. See you !