This is the record of Paladin’s Zodiac Weapon (ZW) 5th Form Sword “Curtana Novus” & Shield “Holy Shield Novus“.

Oh, this time my favorite sword and shield are shining golden!

ZW is good because the same weapon has 3 different ways to shine.

Yeah, I’m really happy because I especially love this white Curtana and white Holy Shield♪
It’s exactly the same as “Curtana Atma” & “Holy Shield Atma” if I’m just carrying it on my back.

However, when I set it up, it lights up!

Oooh, what a great way to shine!

It’s too bright to look directly at.

It’s golden all over, and the flakes of light are dancing.

When I swing my sword around, it sparkles even more and is very beautiful.

Above all, the shield is also amazing!

If you look closely, you can see something like a honeycomb barrier floating on the shield.

Can you see better in the dark?

This must boast great defensive power!

But now it’s for Glamor.

What are you talking about! 💦

By the way, what does “Novus” mean?

I think it’s Latin ‘Novus’, so I guess it means ‘new’.

I see, it’s certainly new since it’s evolved into the fifth stage!
▼ I recorded the glowing effect in the video!
So, that’s it for the record of Paladin’s Zodiac Weapon Stage 5 “Curtana Novus” & “Holy Shield Novus“!

This is truly a golden treasure!