This is a record of the 6th form of the Paladin’s Zodiac Weapon (ZW), Sword “Curtana Nexus” & Shield “Holy Shield Nexus“.

Oh, oh, my favorite Curtana and Holy Shield now have the coolest glow!

This one might be the prettiest of the three.

It is exactly the same as “Curtana Atma” & “Holy Shield Atma” when carried.

But when I set it up, it lights up!

Oooooh, this is a great way to shine! Impressed!

It’s so bright that you shouldn’t look directly at it.

Overall, it is wrapped in a white aura, and if you look closely, is it faintly tinged with purple?

A double sacred circle has appeared near the handguard.

Even more beautiful in the dark! Glitter

It’s a thick sword to begin with, so it looks pretty strong.

And the shield effect is amazing!

A honeycomb barrier appears and rotates around the shield.

This is so cool, I can’t hide my excitement!

you are too excited…

Furthermore, this shield shines like a cross in the center, it’s really cool…

When viewed in a dark place, the high brightness stands out even more.

Pictures alone can’t convey the divine brilliance, so be sure to check out the video below!

I’m really happy that my favorite Curtana and Holy Shield are shining so much!

It might just be happiness to see a weapon with a design you like evolve.

▼ I recorded the glowing state in the video!
So, that’s it for the record of Paladin’s Zodiac Weapon 6th Stage “Curtana Nexus” & “Holy Shield Nexus“!

Zodiac Weapon is the best!