This is a roundup record of all forms of Paladin’s Shadowbringers Weapon Enhancement Content Resistance Weapon (RW).

Yay! Paladin’s Resistance Weapon is also completed ♪
It’s hard to make the first resistance weapon, but the second and subsequent ones are pretty easy, and it’s a nice specification for those who do multiple jobs.

So, without further ado, here’s a summary of what the paladin’s resistance weapons look like!
- 1st Form: Honorbound & Tenacity
- 2nd Form: Honorbound & Tenacity Recollection
- 3rd Form: Law’s Order Bastard Sword & Kite Shield
- 4th Form: Augmented Law’s Order Bastard Sword & Kite Shield
- Final Form: Blade’s Honor & Blade’s Fortitude
- Video Recording
- How to make a Resistance Weapon
- Paladin’s Other Weapon Enhancement Content Summary
- Other Job Resistance Weapons
1st Form: Honorbound & Tenacity
The sword “Honorbound” and the shield “Tenacity” in the first form are quite gorgeous and large-scale designs.

I think this is one of the coolest swords and shields out there!

The mirror in the center of the shield is somewhat mysterious.

▼ Details are recorded here!
2nd Form: Honorbound & Tenacity Recollection
The 2nd form sword “Honorbound Recollection” and the shield “Tenacity Recollection“ have the same design as the 1st form, but with a glowing effect added.

Wow, what a beautiful light effect!

It may be an effect that is easy to handle without being overly assertive.

▼ Details are recorded here!
3rd Form: Law’s Order Bastard Sword & Kite Shield
The sword “Law’s Order Bastard Sword” and the shield “Law’s Order Kite Shield“, which are the third form, change the shape to become a narrow sword and shield.

It’s a nice design like a royal knight!

The inlaid jewels are luxurious and stylish, aren’t they?

▼ Details are recorded here!
4th Form: Augmented Law’s Order Bastard Sword & Kite Shield
The sword “Augmented Law’s Order Bastard Sword” and the shield “Augmented Law’s Order Kite Shield“, which are the 4th form, will add a glowing effect with the design of the 3rd form.

Oh, it’s a blue flame! This is so beautiful too!

The slender sword and shield now have a strong image.

▼ Details are recorded here!
Final Form: Blade’s Honor & Blade’s Fortitude
The 5th form (final form), the sword “Blade’s Honor” and the shield “Blade’s Fortitude“, have a completely different design.

Wow, the atmosphere has changed with an oriental design!

It’s a bit Radz-at-Han style. The effect of petals and ivy is characteristic.

▼ Details are recorded here!
Video Recording
I don’t think you can convey the glowing effect with just a photo, so I recorded it in a video!

It was very cool from the beginning, and this was another wonderful treasure♪
The initial hurdles aren’t that high and it’s easy to evolve, so it might be a good idea to give it a try even if it’s just the beginning.

So, that was the summary record of all forms of Paladin’s resistance weapons!