This is a record of the summoner’s AF2 equipment (Lv60 artifact equipment) “Caller” series.

I got a very sacred costume!

Oh, Noriko-chan, you look cute when you wear it.

This costume didn’t suit Norirow-san at all.
Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll) garoon

Summoner’s AF2 Equipment
- 【Head】Caller’s Horn
- 【Body】Caller’s Himation
- 【Hands】Caller’s Armlets
- 【Legs】Caller’s Loincloth
- 【Feet】Caller’s Sandals
These can be obtained by advancing the summoner job quest to Lv60.

The head equipment is a big big horn!

It’s also quite big and long.

And the body equipment is a sacred image costume.

Heaven’s messenger?

Accessories around the neck and shoulders are very fashionable.

It has wings and a tail on its back.

The hand equipment is asymmetrical, and a claw ring is also included.

It’s a sleeve like Yuna from FF10!
Relatively light footwear.

There is a dragon scale-like decoration on the hem.

I like Yuna-chan, so I’m aiming to become a summoner like Yuna-chan♪

Dyed pattern
The image changes quite a bit because it is dyed as a whole.
Soot Black

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

Turquoise Green

There seems to be no difference in design between men and women.

Fufu, all right, I’ll do my best as a summoner ♪

▼ I recorded a video of the movement!
So, that was the record of the summoner’s AF2 equipment “Caller” series.

See You!