Astrologian Arm Astrologian’s slightly mechanical and cool celestial globe “Augmented Ironworks Magitek Orrery”
Paladin Arm The first glowing weapon! Paladin’s Garuda Sword and Titan Shield “Gaze of the Vortex & Tremor Shield”
Reaper Arm Blue Rose Gothic Lolita Scythe – Edenmorn Sickle, Reaper Weapon from Eden’s Promise: Eternity (Savage)
Artifact Feather’s Holy Knight Armor / Paladin’s AF2 Equipment “Creed” Series (Lalafell Women’s Ver.)
Red Mage Arm Sweaty chocobo is cute! Red Mage Weapon Stormblood CE Digital Upgrade Bonus “Chicken Knife”
Warrior Arm A cute moogle axe of a warrior with dancing glowing musical notes “Malignant Moggle Mogaxe”
Astrologian Arm Astrologian’s EW second form: Cute celestial globe with glowing ribbon “Pleiades Anemos” This is the record of the Astrologian's Eureka Weapon (EW) second form "Pleiades Anemos".If you just 2024.03.11 Astrologian Arm
White Mage Arm The cutest White Mage weapon with dancing dandelion fluff and butterflies, “Aymur Anemos” (EW 2nd form) This is a record of the second stage of White Mage's Eureka Weapon (EW), "Aymur Anemos".When carried 2023.12.13 White Mage Arm
Bard Arm Bard’s EW 2nd form: An antique bow that shines like fluff of a dandelion dancing “Failnaught Anemos” This is the record of the Bard's Eureka Weapon (EW) 2nd Form "Failnaught Anemos".The overall design 2023.08.29 Bard Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Eureka Weapon (EW) Appearance summary of all forms (6 types in total) This is a compilation record of all Paladin Eureka Weapon (EW) forms.▼So, without further ado, here' 2023.05.10 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Eureka Weapon final form, glowing cursed sword-shield “Antea Eureka & Bellerophon Eureka” This is a record of the sword "Antea Eureka" & shield "Bellerophon Eureka", the sixth and final form 2023.05.09 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Eureka Weapon (EW) Fifth Form, Cursed falchion “Antea & Bellerophon” This is a record of the Paladin's Eureka Weapon (EW) fifth form of sword "Antea" & shield "Belleroph 2023.05.08 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Eureka Weapon, Form 4, Glowing Cross, “Pyros Sword & Pyros Shield”. This is a record of the Paladin's Eureka Weapon (EW) 4th form sword "Pyros Sword" & shield "Pyros Sh 2023.05.05 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Eureka Weapon third form, cross-shaped “Elemental Sword & Elemental Shield” This is a record of Paladin's Eureka Weapon (EW) third form sword "Elemental Sword" & shield "Elemen 2023.05.04 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Eureka Weapon (EW) second form, glowing AF3 weapon with snow flurries, “Galatyn Anemos & Evalach Anemos” This is a record of the swords "Galatyn Anemos" & "Evalach Anemos", the second form of the Paladin's 2023.05.03 Paladin Arm
Misc notes How to make Eureka Weapon (EW), procedure and necessary materials summary This is a summary record of how the Eureka Weapon (EW) evolves.It may take some time, but it's very 2023.04.23 Misc notes
Weapon Collections AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon (EW) First Form “All 15 Jobs” Appearance and Acquisition Method Summary This is a summary record of AF3 (Lv70) weapons and Eureka Weapon (EW) first form of "All Jobs". (Bot 2021.11.23 Weapon Collections
Summoner Arm Summoner’s AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon First Form-“Lesser Key of Solomon” “Lemegeton” This is a record of the Summoner's AF3 (Lv70) weapon "Antiquated Lemegeton" and the first form of Eu 2021.11.20 Summoner Arm
Dark Knight Arm Dark Knight AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon First Form-Excalibur Prototype “Caladbolg” This is a record of the Dark Knight's AF3 (Lv70) weapon "Antiquated Caladbolg" and the Eureka Weapon 2021.11.19 Dark Knight Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon First Form-King Arthur’s Legendary Sword and Shield “Galatyn & Evalach” This is a record of Paladin's AF3 (Lv70) weapon / sword "Antiquated Galatyn" & shield "Antiquated Ev 2021.11.18 Paladin Arm
White Mage Arm White Mage AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon First Form-Rainbow Featherwand “Aymur” with a Butterfly of Light This is a record of the White Mage's AF3 (Lv70) weapon "Antiquated Aymur" and the Eureka Weapon (EW) 2021.10.13 White Mage Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior Eureka Weapon (EW) Axe “All Forms” Appearance Summary This is a summary of the appearance of the Warrior Eureka Weapon (EW) "All Forms".The evolutionary p 2021.10.05 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior Eureka Weapon (EW) Final Form-Glowing Gaming Magitek Axe “Shamash Eureka” This is a record of the weapon "Shamash Eureka", which is the final stage of the warrior Eureka Weap 2021.10.03 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior Eureka Weapon (EW) Fifth Form-Cool Axe “Shamash” Like Magitek Armor This is a record of the Warrior Eureka Weapon (EW) Fifth Form "Shamash".It is an ax that has a Magit 2021.10.01 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior Eureka Weapon (EW) Fourth Form-A glowing axe wrapped in flames “Pyros Battleaxe” This is the record of "Pyros Battleaxe", which is the fourth form of the warrior Eureka Weapon (EW) 2021.09.29 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior Eureka Weapon (EW) Third Form, Pagos Axe “Elemental Battleaxe” This is a record of the weapon "Elemental Battleaxe", which is the third form of the warrior Eureka 2021.09.27 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior’s AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon First Form, Bone Strike Axe “Farsha” This is a record of the warrior's AF3 (Lv70) weapon "Antiquated Farsha" and the Eureka Weapon (EW) f 2021.09.25 Warrior Arm
Monk Arm Monk’s AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon First Form-Rhalgr’s Fist with Chakra Shining “Sudarshana Chakra” This is a record of Monk's AF3 (Lv70) weapon "Antiquated Sudarshana Chakra" and Eureka Weapon (EW) f 2021.09.15 Monk Arm
Dragoon Arm Dragoon AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon First Form-Peacock Spear? “Ryunohige” This is a record of the Dragoon's AF3 (Lv70) weapon "Antiquated Ryunohige" and the Eureka Weapon (EW 2021.09.10 Dragoon Arm
Red Mage Arm Gothic antique rapier / Red Mage AF3 weapon & Eureka weapon first form “Murgleis” This is a record of the Red Mage's AF3 (Lv70) weapon "Antiquated Murgleis" and the Eureka Weapon (EW 2021.09.03 Red Mage Arm
Ninja Arm Ninja AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon First Form-Simple Claw-shaped Japanese-style Assassin Knife “Nagi” This is a record of the Ninja AF3 (Lv70) weapon "Antiquated Nagi" and the Eureka Weapon (EW) first f 2021.09.01 Ninja Arm
Bard Arm Bard’s AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon First Form-Antique bow “Failnaught” with a stylish texture of pulleys and wood This is a record of the bard's AF3 (Lv70) weapon "Antiquated Failnaught" and the Eureka Weapon (EW) 2021.08.26 Bard Arm
Black Mage Arm Ultimately cute lamp wand, Black mage AF3 weapon & Eureka weapon first form “Vanargand” This is a record of the Black Mage's AF3 weapon (Lv70 weapon) "Antiquated Vanargand" and the first f 2021.08.22 Black Mage Arm
Astrologian Arm Astrologian’s AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon First Form-Ribbon swings and cute celestial globe “Pleiades” This is a record of the Astrologian's AF3 weapon (Lv70 weapon) "Antiquated Pleiades" and the first f 2021.08.21 Astrologian Arm
Samurai Arm Samurai’s AF3 weapon, Hien’s sword with a large brim “Antiquated Kiku-ichimonji” This is the weapon of the samurai's Lv70 / AF3 equipment set "Myochin Armor Coffer", "Antiquated Kik 2021.01.07 Samurai Arm
Machinist Arm Machinist Eureka Weapon (EW) “All Stages” Appearance Summary Here is a summary of the appearance of the Machinist Eureka Weapon (EW) "All Stages".The process of 2020.10.11 Machinist Arm
Machinist Arm Machinist Eureka Weapon (EW) Sixth Form (Final Form) Shining Beautiful Gun “Mollfrith Eureka” This is the final form of the Machinist Eureka Weapon (EW), "Mollfrith Eureka"If you just carry it o 2020.10.10 Machinist Arm
Machinist Arm Machinist Eureka Weapon (EW) Fifth Form, Hydatos Expedition “Morfris” This is the fifth form of the Machinist Eureka Weapon (EW) "Mollfrith."Although it is a small and th 2020.10.09 Machinist Arm
Machinist Arm Machinist Eureka Weapon (EW) Third Form, Pagos Edition Gun “Elemental Hand Gonne” This is "Elemental Handgonne," which is the third form of Eureka Weapon (EW), a mechanic. This is th 2020.10.07 Machinist Arm
Machinist Arm “Outsider” which is the first form of Eureka Weapon (EW) with machine gun design, machinist AF3 weapon The machinist's AF3 weapon "Antiquated Outsider" and the first form of Eureka Weapon "Outsider" are 2020.09.29 Machinist Arm
Machinist Arm Machinist Eureka Weapon (EW) Fourth Form, Pyros Edition Gun “Pyros Handgonne” This is the gun "Pyros Handgonne," which is the fourth form of the Machinist Eureka Weapon and the f 2020.09.19 Machinist Arm
Scholar Arm Scholar Eureka Weapon (EW) “All Stages” Appearance Summary I will summarize the appearance of the scholar Eureka Weapon (EW) at all stages.The process of total 2020.08.11 Scholar Arm
Scholar Arm Scholar Eureka Weapon (EW) Form ⑥・Completed・Sparkling stone plate “Jebat Eureka” "Jebat Eureka" is the final form of scholar Eureka Weapon (EW). You can evolve it with Eureka Hydato 2020.08.11 Scholar Arm
Scholar Arm Scholar Eureka Weapon (EW) Form ⑤・Giant stone plate book “Jebat” "Jebat" is the fifth form of scholar Eureka Weapon. This can be evolved with Eureka Hydatos.The cont 2020.08.11 Scholar Arm
Scholar Arm Scholar Eureka Weapon (EW) Form ④・Fairy Shine “Pyros Codex” This is the fourth form of scholar Eureka Weapon (EW), the "Pyros Codex." The final form of Eureka P 2020.08.11 Scholar Arm
Scholar Arm Scholar Eureka Weapon (EW) Form ③・Fashionable Metal Notebook “Elemental Codex” This is "Elemental Codex" which is the third form of scholar Eureka Weapon (EW). The final form of E 2020.08.11 Scholar Arm
Scholar Arm Scholar Eureka Weapon (EW) Form ②・Fairy Notebook “Organum Anemos” "Organum Anemos" is the second form of the evolutionary process of scholar Eureka Weapon (EW). This 2020.08.10 Scholar Arm
Scholar Arm Scholar’s AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon (EW) Form Cute notebook “Organum” This is the "Organum," which is the first appearance in the evolutionary process of scholar Eureka W 2020.08.10 Scholar Arm
Warrior Arm Glowing natural taste warrior axe Eureka weapon “Farsha Anemos” A warrior's axe but a blunt weapon that doesn't look like an axe "Farsha Anemos."This is a weapon th 2020.07.17 Warrior Arm
Dark Knight Arm Dark knight Eureka Weapon (EW) Second Form “Caladbolg Anemos” wearing a dark aura. Dark Knight's Sword Eureka Weapon "Caladbolg Anemos"This is an evolution of AF3 "Antiquated Caladbol 2020.06.16 Dark Knight Arm
Machinist Arm Machinist AF3 Gun Evolved Eureka Weapon Third form “Outsider Anemos” Machinist AF3's "Antiquated Outsider" can be evolved with The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos.The so-c 2020.06.15 Machinist Arm