This is the fourth form of scholar Eureka Weapon (EW), the “Pyros Codex.” The final form of Eureka Pyros.
In addition, Pyros Codex → Hydatos Codex → Hydatos Codex +1 have the same design.
It’s hard to understand what the naming rules for Eureka weapons are.

That’s right when you say that…

When the book is closed, it is exactly the same as the previous “Elemental Codex.”
Related Posts ☞ Scholar Eureka Weapon (EW) Form ③ ・Fashionable Metal Notebook “Elemental Codex”

Then, when you open the book, fairy wings appear like “Organum Anemos.”
Related Posts ☞ Scholar Eureka Weapon (EW) Form ②・Fairy Notebook “Organum Anemos”

This effect is somewhat more mellow than Organum Anemos.

It looks like a green flame.

I think the effect is difficult to understand in the photo, so please check the video below.

I like the effect of the fairy feather that follows this anemos.

Certainly it’s pretty.

▼Check the effect on this video !