This is the sixth stage of the scholar Zodiac Weapon (ZW) “Omnilex Nexus.”

We are finally in the sixth stage !

In addition to the way it glows up until now, this nexus will have a ring of angels across the book.

It’s so dazzling…

As long as the book is closed, it’s just like Atma Animus Novus.

▼ Click here for the previous glowing black magic book (both from Norirow Note)
Reference① ☞ Scholar Zodiac Weapon 4th Stage-Glittering Black Magic Book① “Omnilex Animus”
Reference② ☞ Scholar Zodiac Weapon Fifth Stage: Shining Black Magic Book ② “Omnilex Novus”

However, when you open the book, it emits more intense light than ever before.

The glowing ring is godly.

Well, dazzling… Norirow, you can’t read?

Don’t read… feel !

By the way, in the Japanese name, “Omnilex” is called “Madalemujien”, but it seems to have been a humor that messed up with “Kojien.”

So that’s it. So what does “Omnilex” mean?
I’m curious too.

This may also be a humorous name for something.

So, finally the Zodiac Weapon has reached the sixth stage. There are only two steps left !

That’s all for Omnilex. The design will change from next time !