Let’s summarize the “all stages” look of scholar Anima Weapon (AW).
Stage 1 “Animated Elements”
The first stage, “Animated Elements,” looks exactly the same as the scholar AF2’s “Elements.”

This steampunk design is a cool book.
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Stage 2 “Elements Awoken”
The second stage, “Elements Awoken,” is a version of “Animated Elements” with glowing effects.

Blue light is unusual.

▼Click here for details !
Stage 3 “Tetrabiblos”
The third stage, “Tetrabiblos,” will change into a small, bag-like book with handles.

It’s a small and pretty book.
▼Click here for details !
Stage 4 “Hyperconductive Tetrabiblos”
The fourth stage, “Hyperconductive Tetrabiblos,” is a version with an effect that shines on Tetrabiblos.

Because it is a scholar’s weapon, many of them have the image of a fairy.

▼Click here for details !
Stage 5 “Word of the Magnate”
The fifth stage, “Word of the Magnate,” has a completely different design and becomes a movable magic book.

The book is deformed… Cool !
▼Click here for details !
Stage 6 “Sharpened Word of the Magnate”
The sixth stage, “Sharpened Word of the Magnate,” is a version of “Word of the Magnate” with a glowing effect.

There are many rings of light and it’s a godly way of shining.

▼Click here for details !
Stage 7 “Anabasis”
The seventh stage, “Anabasis,” is a magical calligraphy book with a very strong presence, where the design changes again and the shining wings appear from a seemingly small book.

Great effect ! The wings are spinning !
▼Click here for details !
Stage 8 “Anabasis Lux”
At the final stage, “Anabasis Lux” is a different color from “Anabase” at first glance, but the size of the effect is considerably increased.

The effect of a right angle to a book is novel.

▼Click here for details !
The above is a summary of the appearance of the scholar’s “all stages” of anima weapons.

It is difficult to evolve anima weapons, but there are many cool designs, so it is worth doing !
Good luck to the end !

▼ Check the video to see the effect movements !
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