This is “Anabasis Lux” which is the eighth stage (final stage) of scholar Anima Weapon (AW).

The Anima Weapon is finally complete !
At first glance, the color difference from the previous stage “Anabasis“.
Reference article ☞ Scholar Anima Weapon 7th Stage: Rotating wings of light “Anabasis”

It is a design with white base and gold decoration.
It’s an elegant design.

When you open a book…

Hmm… big ! Feather bigger than Anabasys !

This is an amazing size effect…

The fact that the effect appears at right angles to the book is also a novel design when you think carefully.

By the way, a book has such an emblem.

I see this emblem on other anima weapons, but what is this? I feel like “The Order of the Twin Adder”…

I wonder what this emblem is…

Although this book can be dyed, the color of the book itself does not change, only the metal part of the edge changes.
▼ Snow white

▼ Wine Red

Anima weapons also go to F.A.T.E. and ID a lot, and above all, it requires a large amount of Allagan tomestone poetry, so it is quite difficult. But if you can get such cool equipment, it’s worth doing.

It’s a little easier than the Zodiac weapon.

Uhhh… but it was hard enough…

But I’m glad it was completed !