This is a record of the Astrologian’s AF4 (Lv80) weapon “Procyon“.

Wow, it’s a crescent-shaped celestial globe. That’s pretty!

Is the elongated part an image of a shooting star?

It is a very beautiful celestial globe that the two crescent moons rotate around when you hold it.

It’s kind of like an anchor, isn’t it?


This rope decoration may be reminiscent of an anchor.

And, although it’s hard to see in the picture, a crystal with a strong glow is spinning around the celestial globe.

↓ This is the white glowing part on the left side.

The orbit is very beautiful, so please check it out in the video below!

By the way, the Astrologian’s AF4 costume is almost the same as what Urianger wore, but the weapon wasn’t this.

He has an AF2 weapon.

This “Procyon” can be obtained at Tempest’s Workbench by advancing the story of Shadowbringers.

All the celestial globes are cute and lovely ♪
But you haven’t mastered it at all.

Ugh 💦

So, it was a record of the Astrologian’s AF4 weapon “Procyon“.
▼ Please check the video for the movement of the celestial globe!