This is a record of the Astrologian’s weapon “Owlliege Star Globe“.

Wow, I got a somewhat scary owl globe!

yeah? A scary owl? ? ?

look! He seems to be in a bad mood for some reason…

It certainly looks a little grumpy compared to the previous owl, but don’t most owls look like this?

I see, if you say that, I feel that way…

And when you hold it up, it glows red!

Wow, it’s on fire! Maybe he’s angry after all! ? 💦

I wonder if the baby owl is sleeping?

The rear view looks like this.

A red light runs through the rotating part of the central stone.

It looks kind of strong!

In addition, this “Owlliege Star Globe” can be obtained in exchange for 1,000 Wolf Marks in PvP.

This must be an angry owl in PvP!

I recorded the glowing effect in a video!
So, this is the record of the red-flaming owl Astrologian’s weapon “Owlliege Star Globe“!

Fufu, but even a slightly angry owl is cute♪