White Mage Arm A relic from Ronka? An ancient electric cane that glows purple, the White Mage weapon “Skydeep Cane”
Glamour [Glamour] zashiki-warashi cosplay? Noriko’s summer festival yukata style coordination (for all jobs)
Misc notes How never miss a Mob Hunt Train or a rare F.A.T.E. “PT Recruitment”. (How to receive notifications)
White Mage Arm White Mage Weapon “Omega Cane” that grows Omega’s light wings (Alphascape V4.0 (Savage))
Samurai Arm A beautiful, shiny black crescent Western-style sword, a samurai weapon: Lunar Envoy’s Blade
Bard Arm The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden’s Bard weapon, the beautiful bow that looks like an electronic gun, the “Bow Eternal”
Bard Arm A summary of all 8 stages of the Bard’s Anima Weapon (AW)! This is a record of a compilation of all forms of the Bard's Anima Weapon (AW).▼📝 How to make Anima 2024.06.02 Bard Arm
Bard Arm Bard’s AW final stage: Golden bow of blue light arrow “Terpander Lux” This is a record of the Bard's Anima Weapon (AW) 8th stage (final form), "Terpander Lux".The design 2024.05.30 Bard Arm
Bard Arm Bard’s AW 7th stage: Ancient bow that fires arrows of light “Terpander” This is a record of Bard's Anima Weapon (AW) seventh form "Terpander".In previous stages of evolutio 2024.05.29 Bard Arm
Bard Arm Bard’s AW 6th stage: Psychoframe’s light-filled bow “Sharpened Bow of the Autarch” This is a record of the sixth form of Bard's Anima Weapon (AW), "Sharpened Bow of the Autarch."If yo 2024.05.23 Bard Arm
Bard Arm Bard’s AW 5th stage: Gundam UC-like futuristic bow “Bow of the Autarch” This is a record of the 5th form of Bard's Anima Weapon (AW), the Bow of the Autarch.It's a beautifu 2024.05.22 Bard Arm
Bard Arm Bard’s AW 4th stage: Sacred bow that pierces light “Hyperconductive Gandiva” This is a record of Bard's Anima Weapon (AW) Fourth Form "Hyperconductive Gandiva."If you're just ca 2024.05.19 Bard Arm
Bard Arm Bard’s AW 3rd stage: Sacred bird’s beautiful harp “Gandiva” This is a record of the third form of Bard's Anima Weapon (AW), "Gandiva".It is a harp-like bow with 2024.05.18 Bard Arm
Bard Arm Bard’s AW 2nd Stage – Shining Musical Arabic Bow “Berimbau Awoken” This is a record of the second form of Bard's Anima Weapon (AW), "Berimbau Awoken."By the way, this 2024.05.15 Bard Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Anima Weapon (AW) Summary of all stages (8 types in total) This is a compilation record of all Paladin Anima Weapon (AW) forms.How to make an Anima WeaponI rec 2023.04.16 Paladin Arm
Misc notes How to make Anima Weapon (AW), procedure and necessary materials summary This is a record of the production and evolution procedure of Anima Weapon (AW).♦♦♦The prerequisite 2023.04.15 Misc notes
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Anima Weapon Final Stage: Crimson Flame Sword Shield “Aettir Lux & Priwen Lux” This is the record of Paladin's Anima Weapon (AW) 8th stage and final form sword and shield "Aettir 2023.04.15 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Anima Weapon 7th Stage: Blue Flame Beautiful Magic Sword Shield “Aettir & Priwen” This is the record of Paladin's Anima Weapon (AW) 7th Form Sword and Shield "Aettir" & "Priwen".A re 2023.04.14 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Anima Weapon 6th Stage / Fantastic Shining “Sharpened Sword & Shield of the Twin Thegns” This is a record of Paladin's Anima Weapon (AW) 6th Form Sword and Shield "Sharpened Sword of the Tw 2023.04.12 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Anima Weapon 5th Stage / Steel Forming Beauty “Sword of the Twin Thegns & Shield” This is a record of Paladin's Anima Weapon (AW) 5th Form "Sword of the Twin Thegns" & "Shield of the 2023.04.11 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Anima Weapon Stage 4 / Soul Sword and Shield “Hyperconductive Almace & Hyperconductive Ancile” This is a record of Paladin's Anima Weapon (AW) 4th Form "Hyperconductive Almace" & "Hyperconductive 2023.04.09 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Anima Weapon Stage 3 / Bird Sword and Shell Shield “Almace & Ancile” This is a record of Paladin's Anima Weapon (AW) 3rd Form Sword and Shield "Almace" & "Ancile".The sw 2023.04.08 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Anima Weapon Stage 2 Shining Music “Hauteclaire Awoken & Prytwen Awoken” This is a record of Paladin's Anima Weapon (AW) second form sword and shield "Hauteclaire Awoken" & 2023.04.06 Paladin Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior’s Anima Weapon (AW) Axe “All Stages” Appearance Summary This is a summary record of all types of Warrior Anima Weapons (AW).So, the warrior's anima weapon i 2021.12.15 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior’s Anima Weapon (AW) Final Form-Sacred Black Axe of Red Flame “Minos Lux” This is a record of the axe "Minos Lux", which is the final stage (eighth stage) of the warrior's an 2021.12.14 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior’s Anima Weapon (AW) 7th Stage-Sacred Beautiful Axe of Blue Flame “Minos” This is a record of the Warrior's Anima Weapon (AW) 7th Form "Minos".It's just a small silver axe at 2021.12.13 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior’s Anima Weapon (AW) 6th Stage-Glowing Dark Axe “Sharpened Axe of the Blood Emperor” This is a record of the Warrior's Anima Weapon (AW) 6th Form "Sharpened Axe of the Blood Emperor".Ju 2021.12.11 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior’s Anima Weapon (AW) 5th Stage-Ultra Dark Fantasy Axe “Axe of the Blood Emperor” This is a record of the ax "Axe of the Blood Emperor", which is the fifth form of the warrior's anim 2021.12.10 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior’s Anima Weapon (AW) 4th Stage-Glowing Silver Accessory Axe “Hyperconductive Ukonvasara” This is a record of the fourth form of the Warrior's Anima Weapon (AW), the Hyperconductive Ukonvasa 2021.11.29 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior’s Anima Weapon (AW) Third Stage Dark Fantasy Thunder God Axe “Ukonvasara” This is a record of the axe "Ukonvasara", the third form of the warrior's anima weapon (AW).It's mad 2021.11.28 Warrior Arm
Weapon Collections AF2 Weapon & Anima Weapon (AW) First Form “All 13 Jobs” Appearance and Acquisition Method Summary This is a summary record of the first stage of AF2 Weapon (Lv60) & Anima Weapon (AW) of "All Jobs". 2021.11.17 Weapon Collections
Dragoon Arm Dragoon AF2 Weapon & Anima Weapon First Stage-Dragon’s Bifurcated Spear “Brionac” This is a record of the Dragoon's AF2 weapon (Lv60 weapon) "Brionac" and the first form of Anima Wea 2021.08.19 Dragoon Arm
Bard Arm Bard’s AF2 Weapon & Anima Weapon First Stage-Brazilian Folk Instrument Style “Berimbau” This is a record of the bard's AF2 weapon (Lv60 weapon) "Berimbau" and the first stage of the Anima 2021.08.16 Bard Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior’s Anima Weapon (AW) Second Form-The end-of-the-century axe “Parashu Awoken” that shines like a score This is a record of the Warrior's Anima Weapon (AW) Phase 2 "Parashu Awoken".If you just carry it on 2021.08.09 Warrior Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s AF2 Weapon & Anima Weapon Stage 1 Epic The Song of Roland’s Sword and King Arthur’s Shield “Hauteclaire & Prytwen” This is a record of Paladin's AF2 (Lv60) sword "Hauteclaire" & shield "Prytwen" and Anima Weapon (AW 2021.08.05 Paladin Arm
Summoner Arm Summoner’s AF2 Weapon & Anima Weapon First Stage-Sacred book with feathers popping out “Animated Almandal” This is a record of the summoner's AF2 (Lv60) weapon "Almandal" and the first stage of the Anima Wea 2021.07.19 Summoner Arm
Astrologian Arm Astrologian’s AF2 Weapon & Anima Weapon (AW) First Stage Greek Mythological Celestial Globe “Atlas & Anima” This is a record of the Astrologian's AF2 (Lv60) weapon "Atlas" and the first stage of the Anima Wea 2021.07.14 Astrologian Arm
White Mage Arm White Mage AF2 Weapon & Anima Weapon (AW) Stage 1 Goddess Wand “Animated Seraph Cane” This is a record of the White Mage's AF2 weapon (Lv60 artifact weapon) "Seraph Cane" and the first s 2021.07.09 White Mage Arm
Ninja Arm Ninja AF2 Weapon & Anima Weapon (AW) 1st Stage, Oda Nobunaga’s favorite sword “Animated Yukimitsu” This is a record of the Ninja AF2 weapon (Lv60 artifact weapon) "Yukimitsu" and the first stage of t 2021.07.07 Ninja Arm
Black Mage Arm Black Mage AF2 Weapon & Anima Weapon (AW) First Stage-Glowing Crescent Wand “Animated Lunaris Rod” This is a record of the Black Mage's AF2 (Lv60 artifact) weapon "Lunaris Rod" and the first stage of 2021.07.06 Black Mage Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior’s AF2 Weapon and Anima Weapon (AW) First Form, Destruction King’s Axe “Animated Parashu” This is a record of the warrior's AF2 (Lv60) weapon "Parashu" and the first form of Anima Weapon (AW 2021.05.31 Warrior Arm
Monk Arm Monk’s AF2 Weapon and Anima Weapon (AW) First Form, “Animated Rising Suns” like Iron Maiden It is a record of "Rising Suns" which is Monk's AF2 (Lv60) weapon, and "Animated Rising Suns" which 2021.05.25 Monk Arm
Misc notes The remaining usage of “Allagan Tomestone of Poetics” & “Company Seals”: For AW & ZW & MW to do someday… This is the recommended use of "Allagan Tomestone of Poetics" & "Company Seals."Anima Weapon (AW)Fir 2020.08.30 Misc notes
Scholar Arm Scholar Anima Weapon (AW) “All Stages” Appearance Summary Let's summarize the "all stages" look of scholar Anima Weapon (AW).Stage 1 "Animated Elements"The fi 2020.08.10 Scholar Arm
Scholar Arm Scholar Anima Weapon Eighth Stage (Final Stage) Large Rotating Blade “Anabasis Lux” This is "Anabasis Lux" which is the eighth stage (final stage) of scholar Anima Weapon (AW).At first 2020.08.10 Scholar Arm
Scholar Arm Scholar Anima Weapon 7th Stage: Rotating wings of light “Anabasis” This is the 7th stage of scholar Anima Weapon (AW) "Anabasis."However, when you open the book, the a 2020.08.10 Scholar Arm
Scholar Arm Scholar Anima Weapon Sixth Stage-Glittering Movable Magic Book “Sharpened Word of the Magnate” This is the sixth stage of the scholar's Anima Weapon (AW) "Sharpened Word of the Magnate."This is a 2020.08.10 Scholar Arm
Scholar Arm Scholar Anima Weapon Fifth Stage-Moveable Magic Book “Word of the Magnate” This is the scholar's Anima Weapon (AW) fifth stage "Word of the Magnate."Then, when you open the bo 2020.08.10 Scholar Arm
Scholar Arm Scholar Anima Weapon 4th Stage: Glowing Green Magic Book “Hyperconductive Tetrabiblos” This is the scholar's Anima Weapon (AW) fourth stage, "Hyperconductive Tetrabiblos."It is a version 2020.08.10 Scholar Arm
Scholar Arm Scholar Anima Weapon Third Stage, Green Magic Book “Tetrabiblos” This is "Tetrabiblos", which is the third stage of the scholar's anima weapon (AW).It may be one of 2020.08.09 Scholar Arm
Scholar Arm Scholar Anima Weapon 2nd Stage-Blue glowing magic book “Elements Awoken” The scholar Anima Weapon (AW) is the second stage "Elements Awoken."This is a version of the previou 2020.08.08 Scholar Arm
Scholar Arm Scholar Anima Weapon First Stage Steampunk Book “Animated Elements” The first scholar's anima weapon(AW), "Animated Elements."It looks exactly like the AF2 weapon "Elem 2020.08.08 Scholar Arm
Machinist Arm Machinist Anima Weapon (AW) “All Stages” Appearance Summary Here is a summary of all stages of Anima Weapon's Machinist's Arm.Stage 1: Animated FerdinandThe fir 2020.07.18 Machinist Arm
Machinist Arm Image gun of the early Machinist / AF2 Weapon “Ferdinand” and anima weapon “Animated Ferdinand” "Ferdinand" that was equipped with AF2 in the image illustration when the mechanic job appeared.In a 2020.07.16 Machinist Arm
Machinist Arm A futuristic design Machinist’s AW 5th stage “Flame of the Dynast” A machine engineer gun "Flame of the Dynast" that can be obtained during the evolution of anima weap 2020.07.11 Machinist Arm
Machinist Arm The Flame Dragon Appears · Anima Weapons Machinist Gun “Deathlocke” Machinist's Anima Weapon (AW) Phase VII "Deathlocke."☞ Machinist’s gun “Deathlocke Lux” which is the 2020.07.05 Machinist Arm
Machinist Arm “Ferdinand Awoken” The AF2 Machinist gun anima weapon with a beautiful glow Machinist gun Anima Weapon(AW)Second Stage "Ferdinand Awoken" that glows very beautifully.This is a 2020.06.19 Machinist Arm
Machinist Arm Machinist’s gun “Deathlocke Lux” which is the final type of anima weapon The final type of Machinist gun in the Anima weapon(AW)story "Deathlocke Lux"☞ Best Friends ForeverT 2020.06.14 Machinist Arm
Machinist Arm Glowing Gatling Gun Machinist’s AW 4th stage “Hyperconductive Armageddon” This is a shining version of my favorite Armageddon that I introduced before.☞ Hyperconductive Armag 2020.06.13 Machinist Arm
Machinist Arm A futuristic, Machinist’s AW 6th stage gun with a beautiful glow “Sharpened Flame of the Dynast” This is also an evolution of anima weapon(AW), but it's my favorite gun.It is a gun that has a sense 2020.06.13 Machinist Arm
Machinist Arm A steampunk Gatling gun / Machinist’s AW 3rd stage “Armageddon” My very favorite gun.Moderate volume and slightly steampunk design.And the color is very foggy and I 2020.06.13 Machinist Arm