This is a record of Bard’s Anima Weapon (AW) seventh form “Terpander“.

Look! It has evolved into an amazing bow♪

Wow, that seems like a very strong bow.

In previous stages of evolution, most designs resembled stringed instruments, but this one is purely bow-shaped.

The overall design is rugged. The black part at the bottom feels kind of sharp.

When you take your stance, an arrow of light will appear with a fiery sound effect!

Wow, this is amazing! The sound is cool too!

Feathers of light are also growing, and it looks like it can shoot arrows with great force.

The black part at the bottom also emits light.

The shape of the quiver is unique. The arrows are always shining and are very beautiful.

I like it, this is a unique and very nice design♪

By the way, “Terpander” is the name of a Greek musician from around the 7th century BC.

Oh, so I guess it’s a pretty ancient design!

Fufu, Noriko-chan, the Anima Weapon is almost finished.

I recorded the lighting effects and sound effects in a video!
So, this is the record of the seventh stage of Bard’s Anima Weapon, “Terpander“!

Okay, I’ll do my best in the last spurt♪