This is the legendary weapon “Brilliance” which is the first form of the resistance weapon (RW) of the bard.

This is an insanely cute bow! I fell in love with it at first glance!

It’s a classic and metallic design.

The bow is metal-based and has an inorganic feel, but in addition to the overall rounded design, it is also cute with green and pink feathers.

The metallic feel of black and silver is a bit punky.

When you hold it, the pink spheres on the top and bottom glow faintly. I don’t think you can see how it shines in the photo, so please check it out in the video below.

The quiver also has a very nice gap between the inorganic texture of metal and the cuteness of the wings.

Not only the arrows, but also the ones with green and pink feathers on the strings are my favorite points!

And I wonder, I really like this Roman arched design!

The Resistance Weapon, the weapon of the first job, you can get by just proceeding the story of Save the Queen.
After the second job, 1,000 Allagan Tomestone Poetry will be required.

The first form of Resistance Weapon is easily available, but I’m glad that many of them have a very good design.

Really! I wanted to master this bow, so I decided to practice the bard!

So, it was a record of the first form of the resistance weapon (RW) “Brilliance” of the bard.
▼ Please check the video to see how it shines when you hold it!