This is a fashionable bow “Shadow Bow” that you can have at an early stage for a bard.

This bow has a beautiful harmony between the amber part and the metal, and I like it.

If you look closely, you’re cursed, right?

I think it’s fashionable 💦

The orthodox bow shape makes it relatively easy to match with any Glamours.

If you look closely, is the bat … the motif?

You see, it ’s a scary bow.

I think it’s cute 💦

The quiver on the back is also designed like an antique.

The figure you hold looks very well-balanced.

This “Shadow Bow” can be obtained from The Stone Vigil.

It’s a bow that you can get in a dungeon at a very early stage, but it’s so fashionable and nice!

So, it was a record of the fashionable bow “Shadow Bow” of amber and bats.
▼ Please check the video to see how it looks when you hold it!