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Shining long iron nails! Monk Weapon “Replica High Allagan Baghnakhs”

I found a wonderful treasure today.
I found a wonderful treasure today.



This is Monk’s fighting weapon, a long iron claw that shines like an arag, “Replica High Allagan Baghnakhs“.


This is a strong three-blade iron claw! And it’s shining!

▼ Previous episode

Certainly this looks strong.


It has a fairly large iron claw and has a strong presence even when it is carried around the waist.

It’s a pretty cool fighting weapon. When you hold it, it glows like a faint breath. I don’t think you can see how it shines in the photo, so please check it out in the video below.

This is dyed in Snow White, but the original color is shining red.

▼ Snow White

▼ Original Color


Red is a little scary and it seems difficult to coordinate, but white is nice and clean!

If you look closely, the length of the blade is different. It seems that it takes a lot of tricks to attack.

And it seems that it is quite difficult to handle because it seems that it is not fixed to the arm just by holding it


It’s a cool weapon, so I’ll do my best to train my grip and master it!

This “Replica High Allagan Baghnakhs” is a crafter-made weapon, so you can purchase it on the market board. It’s distributed at a relatively low price, so it’s nice to get it easily.

So, it was a record of Monk’s faintly shining fashionable weapon “Replica High Allagan Baghnakhs“.

▼ Please check the video to see how it glows faintly!

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Thank you for reading. See you !