This is a record of the third form of the White Mage’s Manderville weapon, the Majestic Manderville Wand.

Oh, what a pretty cane… ♪

It’s a magical girl-like wand that Noriko-chan would love.

The tip is gorgeously decorated and features a large crystal.

The pink string decoration is lovely, and the little bit of green at the tip of the handle is a nice color balance.

And when you hold it up, it glows!

Oh, it’s kind of like ice cream! Looks delicious♪

ice cream? …… Certainly, the effect is a bit like a freezer.

Eh, a freezer! ? 💦

Does the white, blurry effect look a little like dry ice?

Dyeing Patterns
The color of the pink portion changes.
Original Color

Snow White

Soot Black

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

Turquoise Green

It’s just too cute, it doesn’t suit you.

Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll)Garoon

The glowing effect was recorded on video!
So, these are the records of “Mandaville Majestic Wand,” the third stage of the White Mage’s Manderville weapon!

I’ll recommend this one to Noriko-chan💦