This is a record of Paladin’s AF4 (Lv80) weapon / sword “Sequence” and shield “Srivatsa“.

Wow! It’s a deformed shield, it’s cool!

Surprisingly, many paladin shields are “upholstered”. It’s going to burn down.

If you look closely, the blue part on the right half looks like upholstered.

Maybe it’s protected by the power of ether …⁉
If you have a problem, you always have a habit of trying to solve it with the power of ether. It’s a bad tendency to think too straightforwardly.

Then, when you hold the shield, one of the wings expands and deforms.

This is really cool!

The sword is fashionable with a simple blade and some pattern engraved on it.

Is the handle part a brave design?

It seems to appear in anime.

Is this sword emblem some kind of magic?

The back of the shield has an unexpected grid pattern.

These can be obtained at Tempest’s Workbench as you progress through the SHADOWBRINGERS story.

It’s a very cool sword shield, I’m longing for a paladin.

Since Paladin is the main character from Endwalker, I think you should practice Paladin.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ll practice.
You no longer have time to practice before Endwalker starts.

Ah! 💦

So, it was a record of Paladin’s AF4 weapon, sword “Sequence” & shield “Srivatsa“.
▼ Check out the video to see how the shield deforms!