This is a record of the warrior’s weapon “Diamond Zeta Battleaxe” that can be obtained in The Cloud Deck (Extreme).

It’s my favorite weapon with a modified gimmick!

It’s an axe like the mouth of a beast.

The tip of the handle is like a “tail”. From the head to the tail, some kind of beast may be imagined.

When you hold the axe, its mouth pops open, and something like a glowing orange eye appears from inside.

After all it looks like a big Ohmu’s eyes.

It’s also like Eva.

At the same time as the mouth opens, you will hear a sound like “Bang! Shuin!” That some energy system is activated.

Is it a robot?

The orange eyes flash to breathe.

I don’t think that deformation gimmicks and sound effects can be seen in the photos, so please check it out in the video below.

This is rarely available at The Cloud Deck (Extreme). Alternatively, you can exchange it by collecting 10 Diamond Totem available at The Cloud Deck (Extreme).

I wonder if this axe also speaks … The delusion spreads!

So, it was a record of the warrior’s axe “Diamond Zeta Battleaxe” that can be obtained in The Cloud Deck (Extreme)The Cloud Deck (Extreme).
▼ Check out the video for transformation gimmicks, sound effects and blinking effects!