This is a record of the billing equipment “l’Cie Bardiche” that can be purchased at the FF14 online store.

Wow, it’s an ice axe! cool!

It’s like Shiva’s axe.

It is a beautiful design like freezing with light on the whole.

Surprisingly, I’m happy because I don’t have such a straight axe.

A big blunt instrument rather than an axe?

It looks like a dragon’s head.

By the way, this is the weapon Snow had at FF13 Lightning Returns.

In addition, this “l’Cie Bardiche” is a billing equipment that can be purchased from the FF14 online store, and since it can be equipped from Lv13, it is an ax that has come in handy since the low level.

FF13 It’s cool, so this is a very emotional weapon!

But you don’t have a wild image like “Snow” at all, so the clothes don’t look good with Bandana at all.

Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll) Garoon
Video recording

But I’m glad that this ax has a precious straight design!
So, it was a record of the warrior’s weapon “l’Cie Bardiche” that can be purchased from the FF14 online store.
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