This is a record of the coordination of my favorite tank equipment “Knight of the Wandering”.

It’s a dark fantasy image!

Surprisingly, it suits you.

Unusually, I was praised by you. ヽ(;▽;)ノ
Wandering Knight Coordination
- 【Head】Sharlayan Custodian’s Helm
- 【Body】Augmented Cryptlurker’s Cuirass of Fending
- 【Hands】Heirloom Gauntlets of Fending
- 【Legs】Felt Breeches
- 【Feet】Lalafellin Top Boots
- 【Weapon】Minos Lux
Here, the equipment of the torso, hands, legs, and feet is dyed with soot black.

The head-equipped “Sharlayan Custodian’s Helm” is a very luxurious knight helmet.

It’s the equipment you can get at my favorite The Great Gubal Library!

The face guard can be moved up and down.

“Augmented Cryptlurker’s Cuirass of Fending” equipped with a torso is a fashionable light armor like a traveler. Available in Allagan Tomestone Poetics.

It’s a tattered knight’s equipment, isn’t it?

A knight on a wandering journey!
Armor is attached only to the right shoulder.

The frayed scarf on the left shoulder is fashionable! It seems that the defense power is also high because it is wearing a chain mail exactly.

Behind it is a cloak that is only on the left side.

The hand-equipped “Heirloom Gauntlets of Fending” is a voluminous gauntlet that can be obtained at Matoya’s Relict, and when dyed, it looks matte and cool.

The leg equipment “Felt Breeches” is a crafter production equipment, but it is quite fashionable with big cuts and striped ankles. It is also perfect and useful with “Lalafellin Top Boots“.

As a weapon, I took the final form of the warrior’s anima weapon “Minos Lux“.

The knight of wandering flames is complete!

I think this kind of thing looks good on you and is cool!

Wow, Noriko-chan also praised me! happy!ヽ(;▽;)ノ
Video recording
Norirow-san always looks weak, so sometimes you have to show her something cool.

Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll) Garoon
So, it was a record of my favorite “Knight of the Wandering” tank coordination.