This is a record of Norirow-san’s favorite Healer Glamour.

I tried to make it look a little casual and everyday!

Norirow-san, the rate of healer equipment Late Allagan is high, isn’t it…

‘Cause this is cute💦
Coordination for this time
- 【Head】Flat Cap
- 【Body】Late Allagan Coat of Healing
- 【Hands】Direwolf Gloves of Healing
- 【Legs】Peacelover’s Pantaloons
- 【Feet】Late Allagan Boots of Healing
Late-Allagan gear can be obtained in exchange for Wolf Marks in PvP. Here, the whole is dyed with celeste green.

And isn’t Noriko-chan and Norirow-san a lot of celeste green lately?

Norirow-bro imitated me! …… Well, it can’t be helped because it’s a beautiful color.

This “Late Allagan Coat of Healing” is a sci-fi robot costume with a cute design.

Is it a bulletproof vest around the stomach?

It’s also cute that the bag that looks like it contains medical equipment is hanging diagonally.

The back design is asymmetrical.

The studs on one side of the hem are a bit rocky and stylish.

Wear jeans for a casual look. However, I added a sense of cyber by making the shoes Late-Allagan.

I have the Scholar’s Eureka Weapon 2nd Form “Organum Anemos“.

When you open the book, the wings of the fairy’s light appear, which is very beautiful.

This book is one of my favorites among many codexes!

It’s rare to see Norirow-san wearing casual clothes.

Fufu, once in a while, I’d like to dress up in something other than adventure clothes!

▼ I recorded a video of the movement!
So, that concludes the record of Norirou’s favorite Healer Glamour.

When you can coordinate your favorite outfit, the job becomes even more fun, so I’m happy!