Pictomancer Arm An antique and noble white flat brush, Pictomancer weapon “Archeo Kingdom Round Brush”
Reaper Arm Reaper’s AF4 weapon, “Demon Slicer” with beautiful curves & AF3 weapon “Deepgold War Scythe”
Machinist Arm Machinist’s Resistance Weapon (RW) Evolution Second Form, Shining Classic Handgun “Lawman Recollection”
Dancer Arm Dancer’s Resistance Weapon (RW) Second Form, Chakram “Enchufla Recollection” where the light runs
Glamour [Glamour] I tried cosplaying in Gundam colors! Part 2 (Krile’s costume arrangement version) This is a record of Glamour, Noriko's favorite, arranged with Krull's costumes.Coordinates this time 2025.02.05 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] I tried cosplaying in Gundam colors! Part 1 (G’raha costume arrangement version) This is a record of a glamour arrangement of Noriko's favorite G'raha costume.Coordinates this time【 2025.02.04 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] I tried cosplaying as a shrine maiden! (Far Eastern Schoolgirl’s Uniform arrangement) This is a record of Noriko trying out cosplay as a shrine maiden for the New Year.Coordinates this t 2025.01.02 Glamour
Glamour “G’raha Tia’s Attire” where you can cosplay as G’raha (Lalafell female version) This is a record of the paid equipment "G'raha Tia's Attire" that can be purchased from the FF14 Onl 2024.12.17 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] “White Rabbit Knight” – Halloween costume outfit This is a record of Noriko's favorite Halloween glamour.Coordinates this time【Head】Bunny Chief Crown 2024.10.15 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] A fragile-smiling Sphene-style cosplay (Lalafell female version) This is a record of Noriko's favorite glamour that can be worn for all jobs.Coordinates this time【He 2024.09.14 Glamour
Glamour Cosplay of the energetic Lyse from Stormblood! “Scion Liberator’s Attire” (Lalafell Female Ver.) This is a record of the paid equipment "Scion Liberator's Attire" that can be purchased from the FF1 2024.09.05 Glamour
Gunbreaker Arm FF8 Squall’s lion-designed gunblade “Revolver” (Shadowbringers CE bonus) This is a record of the Gunbreaker weapon "Revolver" that comes as a bonus with the Shadowbringers C 2024.06.17 Gunbreaker Arm
Glamour [Glamour] Cute Elk Clove Green Mage (Older Brother Cosplay) This is a record of Noriko's favorite scholar glamour.Coordinates this time【Head】Sharlayan Preceptor 2024.06.15 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] “Demon Knight Girl” who has obtained the wings of Diablos This is a record of Noriko's favorite tank glamour.Coordinates this time【Head】Far Eastern Schoolgirl 2024.06.08 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] A blacksmith girl who wears a maid costume and uses a mace This is a record of Noriko's favorite Glamour that supports all jobs.Coordinates this time【Head】Far 2024.05.26 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] I cosplayed as The Apothecary Diaries “Maomao”! This is a record of Noriko trying out the glamor of "Maomao" from "The Apothecary Diaries".Coordinat 2024.05.14 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Cute dirndl costume in Princess Snow White color (Lalafell female version) This is a record of Noriko's favorite daily wear Glamour that can be worn for all jobs.Coordinates t 2024.04.22 Glamour
Black Mage Arm Y’shtola’s staff from Shadowbringers – Black Mage weapon with beautiful purple jewels “Nightseeker” This is a record of the Black Mage's weapon "Nightseeker".It is a black wooden staff with a rather c 2024.04.15 Black Mage Arm
Glamour Shadowbringers’ Alphinaud costume “Crystarium Prodigy’s Attire” (Lalafell Ver.) This is a record of the paid equipment "Crystarium Prodigy's Attire" that can be purchased at the FF 2024.04.11 Glamour
Glamour FF16 Clive’s Glamor Costume “Metian” Attire (Lalafell Ver.) This is a record of the FF16 collaboration event costume "Metian" Attire.Metian Attaia【Body】Metian V 2024.04.07 Glamour
Artifact Astrologian’s AF4 / “Shadowbringers” Urianger-style costume “Soothsayer” (Lalafell female Ver.) This is a record of the Astrologian's AF4 gear (Shadowbringers Lv80 job-specific gear) "Soothsayer" 2024.03.16 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] I tried on the costume of my favorite FF13 Lightning! (Lalafell Female Ver.) This is a record of Noriko-chan wearing FF13's "Lightning's Attire".This time's coordination【Head】Fa 2024.02.24 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Heavensward’s Y’shtola costume arrangement coordination This is a record of coordination using the "Y'shtola's Modish Attire".This time's coordination【Head】 2024.02.21 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Butler Noriko-chan’s formal outing coordination This is a record of Noriko-chan's favorite coordinations that can be worn for all jobs.Coordinates t 2023.12.29 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Lalafell boy who admired Rhitahtyn sas Arvina This is a record of Glamour that was done during yesterday's "Lakeland Claws".Coordinates this time【 2023.12.18 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] I cosplayed Frieren:Beyond Journey’s End “Frieren”! This is a record of Noriko-chan's "Frieren:Beyond Journey's End" cosplay, following on from yesterda 2023.12.12 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] I cosplayed Frieren:Beyond Journey’s End “Fern”! This is a record of the cosplay that Noriko-chan also tried out, influenced by Norirow-san's "Stark" 2023.12.11 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] I tried cosplaying Frieren:Beyond Journey’s End “Stark”! This is a record of Glamour for a tank that Norirow-san suddenly decided to cosplay.Coordinates this 2023.12.10 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] A dignified and cute student council president? “Honor student” coordination for Healers This is a record of Noriko's favorite healer Glamour.Coordinates this time【Head】Far Eastern Schoolgi 2023.12.02 Glamour
Glamour I tried on Y’shtola’s costume from Shadowbringers! (Lalafell Ver.) This is a record of the paid costume "Brave New Y'shtola Attire" that can be purchased at the FF14 o 2023.11.25 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] A Japanese princess who looks like a Juni-Hitoe – “Shishu Gozen Kochiki” Lalafell Ver. This is a record of Noriko's favorite Japanese style Glamour using the "Shishu Gozen Kochiki".This t 2023.11.14 Glamour
Glamour The Island Sanctuary’s “Cat Ear” costume “Felicitous” (Lalafell Ver.) This is a record of the "Felicitous" series of costumes available at The Island Sanctuary.Felicitous 2023.10.30 Glamour
Glamour Erenville cosplay costume Margrat “Gleaner” (Lalafell Ver.) This is a record of the Gleaner outfit "Gleaner's" attire.This "Gleaner's Attire" is a costume that 2023.10.25 Glamour
Artifact Ranaa Mihgo’s costume! Dancer AF4 equipment “Dancer” attire (Lalafell female version) This is a record of the "Dancer" series of Dancer's AF4 attire (equipment exclusive to Shadowbringer 2023.09.20 Artifact