This is a record of Noriko’s favorite daily wear Glamour that can be worn for all jobs.

Ta-da! It’s Princess Snow White colored clothes♪

Fufu, it’s unusual for you to wear a dirndl costume.

Coordinates this time
- 【Head】Far Eastern Schoolgirl’s Hair Ribbon
- 【Body】Dirndl’s Bodice
- 【Hands】Dirndl’s Wrist Torque
- 【Legs】Dirndl’s Long Skirt
- 【Feet】Dirndl’s Pumps
This Glamour is centered around the “Dirndl’s Attire” that can be purchased at the FF14 Online Store.
Here, the body is dyed Dragoon Blue, the legs Honey Yellow, and the feet Dalamud Red.

Dragoon Blue is so beautiful!

The nice thing about this dirndl costume is that the body and leg equipment are clearly separated.

The “Dirndl’s Wrist Torque” on the hand comes with nails, so it’s useful for other coordinations as well.

The “Dirndl’s Long Skirt” on the legs is also a cute long skirt, so it’s easy to mix and match with other outfits.

Snow White style Glamour is completed♪

Snow White certainly has an image of bright red, blue, and yellow.

I think it was different in the original, so it must be Disney’s influence after all.

Fufu, all of the clothes from Disney’s fairy tale series are so cute♪

I recorded the movement in a video!
So, this is a record of Snow White-style dirndl coordination!

This coloring would be cute even with other clothes♪
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