This is a record of the minion “Clockwork Lantern” that can be obtained through PvP.

Look! A very cute lamp has become my friend♪

Magic lamp doll?

A very stylish lantern with a cute antique roof structure♪

It’s always lit, illuminating the surrounding area.

And lo and behold, after waiting for so long, he sometimes falls asleep! (lol)

Dozing off…


This is what the base of the roof looks like.

And what’s more, he jumps up and follows me when I move!

It seems like a collaboration between craftsmen.

I see! This is a very cute minion and I’m very happy♪

This “Clockwork Lantern” can be obtained in exchange for 15,000 Wolf Marks in PvP.

I recorded the movement in a video!
So, this is the record of the antique and cute lamp Minion “Clockwork Lantern“!

This will make the adventure even more fun♪