A precious Japanese sword that can be equipped even though it is a dark knight “Odenta Kai.”

Even though it’s a Japanese sword, you can carry it on your back, so it’s cooler !

It’s a very long sword, it’s going to get stuck in the ground…

And the decoration of the handle part is very glittering and it is very beautiful.

Like a kaleidoscope.

It’s very stylish with the decoration on the blade.

Because it’s shining, it fits somehow in Western clothes.

You can get this sword.
This sword can be obtained in Rhalgr’s Reach or Kugane in exchange for an Allagan Tomestone of Poetics.

By the way, dyeing is also possible !

Since many Dark Knight swords are basically stubborn, there are few such sharp designs, so they are very valuable.

The Japanese name is “大伝多”.
It’s a kanji that’s difficult for Japanese people to read.
