This is the monk weapon “Ears of the Moon Rabbit” that was obtained at the Yo-Kai Watch collaboration event.

This weapon is so cute, I wanted to equip it and raised the level of Monk.

Norirow-san, you used to be level 1 in Monk …

There is no effect when you carry it on your waist, but when you hold it, you will get horns of fire.

Isn’t this super cute?

The name “Ears of the Moon Rabbit” is also cute.

The seams of the gloves have a very nice taste, and although it is USApyon, it is a very high quality equipment.

The burner-like decoration is also reproduced on the back and it is elaborate.

It ’s nice that the effect flames look like yo-kai.

The glove is yellow so it looks like a monk.

It’s kind of like Gundam, isn’t it?

This “Ears of the Moon Rabbit” was obtained from the Yo-Kai Watch collaboration. It should be available the next time the event is held again.

The existence of such equipment that makes me think “I want to equip this equipment so I want to raise the level of the job” is very nice.

So, it was a record of the monk weapon “Ears of the Moon Rabbit” of Yo-Kai Watch collaboration.
▼ Check out the effects in the video!