This is a record of the ax “Axe of the Blood Emperor“, which is the fifth form of the warrior’s anima weapon (AW).

Oh! It’s a cool axe full of dark fantasy!

It’s your favorite “chu-ni-” weapon.

Although it is a terrifying design as a whole, it has a slightly whitish silver edge, which seems to have neutralized the terribleness.

When you hold the axe, the central part glows orange with a sound effect.

Is it magma …?

If you look closely, it looks like an arrow.

It’s like a phoenix born from the darkness, isn’t it?

It came out! “Chu-ni-” idea.

The chain is also a very “chu-ni-” intriguing part!

It is a thick axe that seems to be quite strong.

And I’m happy to be able to dye it!

Dyeing pattern
The black part is dyed.
Original Color

Snow White

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

Shale Brown

It’s also fashionable to make it gold!

By the way, the evolution of anima weapons requires a large amount of allagan tomestone poetics, so it is recommended to replace what you need when you have a surplus.

This is a pretty cool and favorite axe ♪

So, it was a record of the 5th stage “Axe of the Blood Emperor” of the warrior’s anima weapon.
▼ Sound effects and how they shine are recorded in the video!