Glamour [Glamour] Black swordsman, fashionable Foundation coat “Adept’s Gown” that can be worn for all jobs
Ninja Arm Ninja AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon First Form-Simple Claw-shaped Japanese-style Assassin Knife “Nagi”
Ninja Arm The Cloud Deck (Extreme) “Ninja” Weapon / Opening Large Survival Knife “Diamond Zeta Cleavers”
Astrologian Arm Sphere of Sharlayan’s guardian “Thaliak the Scholar” / Astrologian’s weapon “Globe of Thaliak”
Artifact Ninja AF1 equipment in different colors, purple Vintage Equipment “Koga” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.)
Red Mage Arm Summary of all four stages of Red Mage’s Manderville Weapon (MW)! This is a record of all types of Red Mage's Manderville Weapon (MW).So without further ado, here's a 2024.02.16 Red Mage Arm
Summoner Arm Summoner’s Manderville Weapon (MW) Summary of all 4 types! This is a record of all types of Summoner's Manderville Weapon (MW).So without further ado, here's a 2024.02.15 Summoner Arm
Black Mage Arm Summary of all four stages of Black Mage’s Manderville Weapon (MW)! This is a record of all types of Black Mage's Manderville Weapon (MW).So without further ado, here's 2024.02.14 Black Mage Arm
Dancer Arm Summary of all four stages of Dancer’s Manderville Weapon (MW)! This is a record of all types of Dancer's Manderville Weapon (MW).So, without further ado, here is a 2024.02.13 Dancer Arm
Machinist Arm Summary of all four stages of Machinist’s Manderville Weapon (MW)! This is a record of all types of Machinist's Manderville Weapon (MW).So without further ado, here's 2024.02.12 Machinist Arm
Bard Arm Summary of all four stages of Bard’s Manderville Weapon (MW)! This is a record of all types of Bard's Manderville Weapon (MW)!So without further ado, here's a sum 2024.02.11 Bard Arm
Reaper Arm Summary of all 4 types of Reaper’s Manderville Weapon (MW) at all stages! This is a record of all types of Reaper's Manderville Weapon (MW)!So without further ado, here's a s 2024.02.10 Reaper Arm
Samurai Arm Summary of all 4 types of Samurai’s Manderville Weapon (MW) at all stages! This is a record of all types of Samurai's Manderville Weapon (MW)!So without further ado, here's a 2024.02.09 Samurai Arm
Ninja Arm Summary of all four stages of Ninja’s Manderville Weapon (MW)! This is a summary record of all stages of Ninja's Manderville Weapon (MW)!So without further ado, he 2024.02.08 Ninja Arm
Dragoon Arm Summary of all four stages of Dragoon’s Manderville Weapon (MW)! This is a summary record of all stages of Dragoon's Manderville Weapon (MW).So without further ado, 2024.02.07 Dragoon Arm
Monk Arm Summary of all four stages of Monk’s Manderville Weapon (MW)! This is a summary record of all stages of Monk's Manderville Weapon (MW).So without further ado, her 2024.02.06 Monk Arm
Sage Arm Summary of all four stages of Sage’s Manderville Weapon (MW)! This is a summary record of all stages of the Sage's Manderville Weapon.So without further ado, here 2024.02.05 Sage Arm
Astrologian Arm Summary of all four stages of Astrologian’s Manderville Weapon (MW)! This is a summary record of all stages of Astrologian's Mandervil Weapon (MW).So without further ado 2024.02.04 Astrologian Arm
Scholar Arm Summary of all 4 types of Scholar’s Manderville Weapon (MW) at all stages! This is a summary record of all stages of the Scholar's Manderville Weapon (MW).So without further a 2024.02.03 Scholar Arm
White Mage Arm Summary of all four stages of White Mage’s Manderville Weapon (MW)! This is a summary record of all stages of White Mage's Manderville Weapon (MW)!So without further ad 2024.02.02 White Mage Arm
Gunbreaker Arm Gunbreaker’s Manderville Weapon (MW) Summary of all 4 types! This is a summary record of all stages of Gunbreaker's Manderville Weapon (MW).So without further ad 2024.02.01 Gunbreaker Arm
Dark Knight Arm Summary of all four stages of the Dark Knight’s Manderville Weapon (MW)! This is a summary record of all stages of the Dark Knight's Manderville Weapon (MW).So without furth 2024.01.31 Dark Knight Arm
Warrior Arm Summary of all 4 types of Warrior’s Manderville Weapon (MW) at all stages! This is a summary record of all stages of the Warrior's Manderville Weapon (MW).So without further a 2024.01.30 Warrior Arm
Paladin Arm Summary of all 4 types of Paladin’s Manderville Weapon (MW) at all stages! This is a summary record of all stages of Paladin's Manderville Weapon (MW).So without further ado, 2024.01.29 Paladin Arm
Weapon Collections Summary of the appearance of all 19 jobs of Manderville Weapon (MW) final form “Mandervillous”! This is a record of all 19 jobs of the final form of Manderville weapons (MW) "Mandervillous" series 2024.01.28 Weapon Collections
Summoner Arm Summoner’s MW final form: electronic book with three halos floating in it, “Mandervillous Index” This is a record of the Summoner's Manderville weapons (MW) final form (fourth stage) "Mandervillous 2024.01.27 Summoner Arm
Samurai Arm Samurai’s MW final form: mechanical electronic sword “Mandervillous Samurai Blade” This is a record of the Samurai's Manderville weapons (MW) final form (fourth stage) "Mandervillous 2024.01.27 Samurai Arm
Astrologian Arm Astrologian’s MW final form: A celestial globe like a space fortress “Mandervillous Torquetum” This is a record of the final form (fourth stage) of the Astrologian's Manderville weapons (MW), "Ma 2024.01.26 Astrologian Arm
Dancer Arm Dancer’s MW final form: Ninja-like mechanical moon ring “Mandervillous Chakrams” This is a record of the Dancer's Manderville weapons (MW) final form (fourth stage) "Mandervillous C 2024.01.26 Dancer Arm
Bard Arm Bard’s MW final form: Heavy machine bow like a machinist’s mecha “Mandervillous Compound Bow” This is a record of Bard's Manderville weapons (MW) final form (fourth stage) "Mandervillous Compoun 2024.01.25 Bard Arm
Dragoon Arm Dragoon’s MW final form: space weapon rotating drill spear “Mandervillous Trident” This is a record of the Dragoon's Manderville weapons (MW) final form (fourth stage) "Mandervillous 2024.01.25 Dragoon Arm
Ninja Arm Ninja’s MW final form: Anti-armor combat electronic knife “Mandervillous Knives” This is a record of the ninja's Manderville weapons (MW) final form (fourth stage) "Mandervillous Kn 2024.01.24 Ninja Arm
White Mage Arm White Mage’s MW final form: a mechanical digital cane that blooms with flowers, “Mandervillous Cane” This is a record of the White Mage's Manderville weapons (MW) final form (fourth stage) "Mandervillo 2024.01.24 White Mage Arm
Black Mage Arm Black mage’s MW final form: electronic rod like Allagan weapon “Mandervillous Rod” This is a record of the Black Mage's Manderville weapons (MW) final form (fourth stage) "Mandervillo 2024.01.24 Black Mage Arm
Monk Arm Monk’s MW final form: Rocket punch with electronic blade “Mandervillous Fists” This is a record of Monk's Manderville weapons (MW) final form (fourth stage) "Mandervillous Fists". 2024.01.23 Monk Arm
Red Mage Arm Red Mage’s MW final form: SF-like mechanical weapon “Mandervillous Rapier” This is a record of the Red Mage's Manderville weapons (MW) final form (fourth stage) "Mandervillous 2024.01.23 Red Mage Arm
Gunbreaker Arm Gunbreaker’s MW final form, the transforming beam cannon “Mandervillous Gunblade” This is a record of Gunbreaker's Manderville weapons (MW) final form (fourth stage) "Mandervillous G 2024.01.23 Gunbreaker Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior’s MW final form: Space weapon Heathawk “Mandervillous Battleaxe” This is a record of the final form (fourth stage) of the Warrior's Manderville weapons (MW), "Mander 2024.01.22 Warrior Arm
Machinist Arm Machinist’s MW final form: Revolver-type electron gun “Mandervillous Revolver” This is a record of the final form (fourth stage) of the Machinist's Manderville weapons (MW), "Mand 2024.01.22 Machinist Arm
Sage Arm Sage’s MW final form: Funnel-like space weapon “Mandervillous Wings” This is a record of the final form (fourth stage) of the Sage's Manderville weapons (MW), "Mandervil 2024.01.21 Sage Arm
Scholar Arm Scholar’s MW final form: electronic magic book like a speaker “Mandervillous Codex” This is a record of the scholar's Manderville weapons (MW) final form (fourth stage) "Mandervillous 2024.01.20 Scholar Arm
Dark Knight Arm Dark Knight’s MW final form: Valuable “whip” bellows sword “Mandervillous Greatsword” This is a record of the Dark Knight's Manderville weapons (MW) final form (fourth stage) "Mandervill 2024.01.19 Dark Knight Arm
Reaper Arm Reaper’s MW final form: Army cyber electronic scythe “Mandervillous Zaghnal” This is a record of Reaper's Manderville weapons (MW) final form (fourth stage) "Mandervillous Zaghn 2024.01.18 Reaper Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s MW final form: Just like a mobile suit weapon “Mandervillous Falchion & Kite Shield” This is a record of Paladin's Manderville weapons (MW) final form (fourth stage) "Mandervillous Falc 2024.01.17 Paladin Arm
Misc notes How to make Manderville weapons (MW), procedure and necessary materials summary This is a summary record of how Manderville Weapon (MW) evolves.This is the simplest weapon enhancem 2024.01.16 Misc notes
Weapon Collections Manderville weapons (MW) Stage 3 “Majestic” Summary of all 19 types! This is a summary record of all Manderville weapons 3rd Form.The design has been renewed from the 2n 2023.08.09 Weapon Collections
Dancer Arm Dancer’s MW 3rd stage: Sweet poisonous fang glowing circular moon ring “Majestic Manderville Chakrams” This is the record of Dancer's Manderville weapons Third Form, "Majestic Manderville Chakrams".It gl 2023.08.07 Dancer Arm
Monk Arm Monk’s MW 3rd stage, glowing fist full of fighting spirit “Majestic Manderville Fists” This is a record of the third form of Monk's Manderville weapons, the Majestic Manderville Fists.A g 2023.08.06 Monk Arm
Dragoon Arm Dragoon’s MW 3rd stage: Blue shining halberd “Majestic Manderville Spear” This is the record of the 3rd form of the Dragoon's Manderville weapons, "Majestic Manderville Spear 2023.08.05 Dragoon Arm
Ninja Arm Ninja’s MW 3rd Stage: Iridescent Western-style twin swords “Majestic Manderville Knives” This is a record of the third form of the ninja's Manderville weapons, the Majestic Manderville Kniv 2023.08.04 Ninja Arm
Black Mage Arm Black Mage MW 3rd Stage / Shining Devil’s Staff “Majestic Manderville Staff” This is the record of the black mage's Manderville Tier 3 "Majestic Manderville Staff".The design lo 2023.08.03 Black Mage Arm
Samurai Arm Samurai’s MW 3rd stage: Shining dual-wielding sword “Majestic Manderville Samurai Blade” This is the record of the samurai's third form of Manderville weapons, the Majestic Manderville Samu 2023.08.02 Samurai Arm
Gunbreaker Arm Gunbreaker’s MW 3rd stage / Junk shop’s mechanical weapon “Majestic Manderville Bayonet” This is the record of Gunbreaker's third form of Manderville weapons, the Majestic Manderville Bayon 2023.08.01 Gunbreaker Arm
Summoner Arm Summoner’s MW 3rd Stage / Lighting Phoenix Book “Majestic Manderville Index” This is the record of the Summoner's Manderville weapons Third Form, "Majestic Manderville Index".Th 2023.07.31 Summoner Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior’s MW 3rd Stage / Dark Fantasy Flaming Axe “Majestic Manderville Bardiche” This is the record of the warrior's third form of Manderville weapons, the Majestic Manderville Bard 2023.07.30 Warrior Arm
Astrologian Arm Astrologian’s MW 3rd Stage / A celestial globe that shines like a stage “Majestic Manderville Orrery” This is the record of the Astrologian's third form of Manderville weapons, the Majestic Manderville 2023.07.29 Astrologian Arm
Dark Knight Arm Dark Knight’s MW 3rd Stage / Bewitching Devil’s Greatsword “Majestic Manderville Greatsword” This is the record of the third form of the Dark Knight's Manderville weapons, the Majestic Mandervi 2023.07.28 Dark Knight Arm
Red Mage Arm Red Mage’s MW 3rd stage / Rapier with glowing red crescent moon “Majestic Manderville Degen” This is the record of the Red Mage's Manderville weapons Third Form Rapier, Majestic Manderville Deg 2023.07.27 Red Mage Arm
White Mage Arm White Mage’s MW 3rd stage, a pretty wand that looks like glowing ice cream, “Majestic Manderville Wand” This is a record of the third form of the White Mage's Manderville weapon, the Majestic Manderville 2023.07.26 White Mage Arm
Bard Arm Bard’s MW 3rd Stage: A violin and harp fusion instrument bow? “Majestic Manderville Harp Bow” This is a record of the third form of the Bard's Manderville weapons, the Majestic Manderville Harp 2023.07.24 Bard Arm
Sage Arm Sage’s MW 3rd stage / Funnel that shines beautifully blue “Majestic Manderville Wings” This is the record of the Majestic Manderville Wings, the third form of the Manderville weapons of t 2023.07.23 Sage Arm
Reaper Arm Reaper’s MW 3rd stage / The devil’s scythe that glows suspiciously “Mandaville Majestic Warcise” This is a record of the third form of the Reaper's Manderville weapons, the Majestic Manderville War 2023.07.22 Reaper Arm
Machinist Arm Machinist’s MW 3rd stage Gatling gun type glowing rifle “Majestic Manderville Pistol” This is the record of the machinist's third form of Manderville weapons, the Majestic Manderville Pi 2023.07.21 Machinist Arm
Scholar Arm Scholar’s MW 3rd stage / Shining dictionary like a treasure chest “Majestic Manderville Codex” This is a record of the Scholar's Manderville weapons Third Form book, The Majestic Manderville Code 2023.07.20 Scholar Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin MW 3rd Stage Blue Aura Pearl Shield “Majestic Manderville Sword & Shield” This is the record of Paladin's Manderville weapons third stage sword and shield "Majestic Mandervil 2023.07.19 Paladin Arm