This is a record of the Dancer’s Manderville weapons (MW) final form (fourth stage) “Mandervillous Chakrams“.

Ta-da! This time I made a dancer MW♪

It’s a rare mechanical throwing weapon.

It lights up when you hold it!

Three streamlined blades of light appear, and a honeycomb barrier-like effect covers the entire area.

This light effect alternates between blue and purple.

If you look closely, you can see the light running through the throwing weapon itself.

It’s nice to have a sound effect that sounds like the power is being turned on when you set it up, which gives it a nice atmosphere♪

Since the light blade is sharp, it seems to have high attack power.

Even if, this looks like a ninja mark, right?

By the way, back in FF3, Chakram was a ninja weapon.

I see! So I guess they look alike! ?
*Probably not.

Dyeing Patterns
The color of the inner part will change.
Snow White

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

Celeste Green

The effect is beautiful even from a distance, and it looks great♪

I recorded the glowing effect in a video!
So, this is the record of the final form of Dancer’s Manderville weapons, “Mandervillous Chakrams“!

Let’s let my brother sleep a little longer♪