This is a record of the dancer’s throwing weapon “Exarchic Glaives.”

I got the previous one in a different color♪

Oh, the white crystals are beautiful too.

Right! This looks like it would be easy to match with a variety of clothes♪

The shape is exactly the same as “Bluespirit Glaives“.

However, the crystal is white and the metal parts are bronze, giving it a slightly classic feel.

I thought the monument in the center was a spade, but it also looks like a heart, right?

It has carved crystals set in it, and it looks as sharp as ever…

By the way, where did the white crystal come from…?

The fact that it can be dyed means it may be an imitation.

Eh, imitation! ? 💦

Namingway, no, right? 💦 It’s not a fake, it’s a proper crystal made from a material called “Solstice Ingot“.

Dyeing Patterns
The color will ride on the crystal part just slightly.
Original Color

Soot Black

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

Turquoise Green

Peacock Blue

Furthermore, this “Exarchic Glaives” is a crafter-made weapon, so it can be purchased on the market board.

Hehe, it’s a wonderful crystal moon ring that always shines slightly♪

I recorded the movement in a video!
So, this is the record of the dancer’s white crystal throwing weapon “Exarchic Glaives“!

See You!