This is a record of the dancer’s throwing weapon “Ktiseos Chakrams” available on Ktisis Hyperboreia.

Wow, it’s a fashionable chakram!

It’s a silver accessory series.

All Ktisis Hyperboreia weapons are fashionable and cool!

This series has a sophisticated beauty with a design like a punk lock accessory.

There are patterns like cherry blossom petals here and there, so it’s a little cute.

It is a reasonably thick blade.

The sharpness does not seem to be good.

Is it a chakram for hitting?

(Oh, it’s rare that Norirow-san didn’t try to solve it with “the power of ether”)

It looks like rock, so I dressed like rock, but it suits the atmosphere, right?

Or rather, it’s the return trip from THE PRIMALS live, so you’re just wearing that outfit, right?

Ehe, that’s the correct answer 💦 lol

Even so, this throwing weapon is very cool and fashionable, and I’m glad I got a good treasure ♪

Video recording
So, it was a record of the dancer weapon “Ktiseos Chakrams” of Ktisis Hyperboreia.