This is a record of the dancer’s throwing weapon “Augmented Scaevan Magitek Chakrams“.

Wow, it’s a chakram that’s kind of mechanic! good looking!

It looks like a metal detector, isn’t it?

metal detector! ?? 💦
When I carry it around my waist, it’s a mechanic ring with a slightly unusual shape.

When I hold it, it transforms and spreads!

The blade comes out and turns around and is fixed with Gachan. I don’t think you can see how it spins in the photo, so please check it out in the video below.

I love transforming weapons!

It is a rare mechanical circular moon ring.

But it looks like it will break soon.

Eh 💦

it must be no problem! Because it was designed by Nero.
Since it is “Scaevan”, it must have been designed by Mr. Nero.

Dyeing pattern
The part of the blade is dyed and the image changes considerably.
Snow White

Rust Red

Honey Yellow

Olive Green

The impression will change quite a bit, so it seems that the range of coordination will expand.

This “Augmented Scaevan Magitek Chakrams” can be exchanged for Allagan Tomestone Poetics. The exchange place is Kugane or Rhalgr’s Reach.

I like all the Scaevan weapons because they are cool!

So, it was a record of the transforming dancer throwing weapon “Augmented Scaevan Magitek Chakrams“.
▼ Please check the video to see how it transforms!