This is a record of the reaper weapon “Augmented Scaevan Magitek Scythe” of that Scaevan series.

Wow, it’s a safe scythe designed by Nero.
※ Nero’s full name is “Nero tol Scaeva”

It’s a little flashy scythe.

Fufufu, it’s not just a flashy scythe!

When you hold this, the blade part moves electrically!

This is amazing! It keeps moving!

But it looks like an electric mower, doesn’t it?

Eh 💦 Maybe because of the color …

It’s cool to make it black, isn’t it?

I dyed it with soot black. This might be a cool mechanical scythe!

I don’t think the photos alone will tell you how the blade keeps moving, so check it out in the video below!

As expected, it is designed by Nero (probably), and it has a mechanical structure.

What mark is this? Scaeva mark?

I think the lever around here is reminiscent of an electric mower.

It seems that you can attack with the back blade.

This is in exchange for Allagan Tomestone Poetics and is available at Kugane or Rhalgr’s Reach.
Also, the “Bismuth War Scythe” that you can buy on the market board has the same design, but this “Augmented Scaevan Magitek Scythe” can be dyed, so it seems easy to match with various coordination.

Various dyeing patterns
The orange part is dyed.
Original Color

Snow White

Ceruleum Blue

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

Gobbiebag Brown

I love mechanical weapons, so I’m happy ♪

But this is an electric mower, isn’t it?

No 💦

So, it was a record of the reaper weapon “Augmented Scaevan Magitek Scythe” of the Scaevan series.
▼ Check out the video to see how the blade moves!