This is a record of the Black Mage’s weapon “Augmented Scaevan Magitek Rod“.

Wow, I got a cool rod!

It’s a weapon produced by Nero.

The rod is a little narrow and the red crescent moon on the top is fashionable.

There is some kind of mechanical decoration in the middle of the rod…

When you hold it up, the mechanical part rotates and docks with the crescent moon part at the top!

Like this!

Norirow-san’s favorite robot type…

And there are some parts that glow light blue, as if the power has been turned on, which makes it even more cool!

I love transforming weapons!

Dyeing Patterns
The color of the red part will change.
Original Color

Snow White

Soot Black

Honey Yellow

Celeste Green

By the way, this “Augmented Scaevan Magitek Rod” can be obtained in exchange for Allagan tomestone poetics in Kugane or Rhalgr’s Reach.

The crescent moon x mecha is somehow divine and mysterious, which is great!

I recorded the transformation in a video!
So, this is the record of the transforming crescent-shaped Black Mage weapon “Augmented Scaevan Magitek Rod“!

Is it divine and mysterious…?